Posts Tagged: govlaunch The Greek Open Government Initiative

Via Alex Moll on Twitter, I just came across, the website for the Greek Open Government Initiative. From the English language version: has been designed to serve the principles of transparency, deliberation, collaboration and accountability and includes three initiatives: Οpen calls for the recruitment of public administration officials. Top level and mid-level openingsRead… Read more »

GovLaunch: Facebook and Department of Labor Create Partnership for Job Seekers

Federal Computer Weekly reports that the Department of Labor and Facebook have partnered up to create the Social Jobs Partnership. This is an effort to use social networks to facilitate employment for those currently unemployed. The Facebook page states: In the interest of getting people back to work, the partnership plans to pursue a numberRead… Read more »

GovLaunch: Marines Release Social Media Handbook

Amazing how quickly things change, two years ago, the Marines banned personnel from using social media and last week the Marines released a social media handbook detailing ways to use social media for improved communications. Throughout the Marine Corps’ history, people have discussed, debated and embraced the United States Marine Corps and our Marines. TheseRead… Read more »

GovLaunch: getting a makeover, coming offline, the Federal Government’s official job website, will scrap its current design and unveil a new look next month that is said to be more user-friendly. The new site is said to be modeled after many shopping websites. According to this article over at GovExec: “USAJobs 3.0, designed to make the process smoother for potentialRead… Read more »

GovLaunch: Bill Introduced for Feds to Donate Sick Days to Agency Banks

Government Exec reported that on Friday legislation was introduced that would allow Federal employees to donate their unused sick leave to an agency wide leave bank. The bill was sponsored by Representatives Gerry Connolly, Jim Moran and Chris Van Hollen and all have stated that the bill will be nearly cost neutral. Government Executive reports:Read… Read more »

GovLaunch: Ten Federal Cloud Computing Breakthroughs

To keep up-to-date, cut costs, and eliminate the need for extra equipment, the U.S. Government should increase its efforts to introduce more cloud computing across agencies. I think that the sharing of resources would cut down on government spending, while also enhancing the productivity of many workers. Over at, this article speaks about DavidRead… Read more »

GovLaunch: Obama Administration Releases Update on Open Government Initiative

On Friday, NextGov reports that the White House released a status report on the Open Government Initiative. The White House blog post on Friday reiterates President Obama’s commitment to open government. The post, written by Steven Croley, special assistant and senior counsel to the President states: President Obama has made open government a high priority.Read… Read more »