Posts Tagged: govloop

Keystrokes for Social Sites send handwritten season greetings to military service members

The Veteran’s Day Parade in New York City that took place this a.m. was especially moving this year. Korean War Veterans were featured. My father (to the left) served in the Korean War. Though he passed 12 October 2003, my daddy was a stalwart man who served the USAF (United States Air Force) for twentyRead… Read more »

I Went from Beauty Queen to Govie Geek: And I’m Proud Of It!

GOVIE GEEK (2010) BEAUTY QUEEN (2008) Thats right! I spent my younger years (really not all that long ago) competing for various beauty queen titles, including everything from Miss America to Miss Hawaiian Tropic. But behind all of the glitz, glitter, and butt glue(yes thats right we glue our swimsuits to our bottoms)…all I wantedRead… Read more »

A Belated GovLoop Anniversary

Life moves fast and often it’s easy to miss anniversaries and birthdays. I’ve had a couple big ones recently and thought I’d step back and honor them. Last week was my 30th bday which I blogged about September 28th marked my 1-year anniversary of working on GovLoop full-time. On that date, GovLoop became a subsidiaryRead… Read more »

‘Ning Everywhere’ Means More GovLoop for You

Ning, the social networking platform that power GovLoop and tens of thousands of other communities, is getting a big upgrade, and that means more ways to interact with friends and content from the government social network. In San Francisco on Tuesday night, Ning CEO Jason Rosenthal announced “Ning Everywhere,” a new API roll out thatRead… Read more »

The Intern Report: Interning in D.C

Hello Everyone! Shannon here! I am one of the GovLoop interns this fall. As of today I have officially been here in Washington, D.C for a month! I graduated from Auburn University in August and spent about two weeks at home before I found myself eager to work and learn more about social media IRead… Read more »

GovLoop & Steve Featured in GOVERNING today!

Here’s the article: Social Media in the Public Sector Posted By John O’Leary | October 4, 2010 A recent study from the National Association of State CIO’s (NASCIO) found an increasing shift toward the use of social media such as Twitter, YouTube, and the like, as a way to better reach constituents. According to theRead… Read more »

GovLoop Gets Shout Out in The Economist

It’s always nice to get good press, eh? Well, Steve Ressler and GovLoop got a really nice mention in The Economist today, under the Schumpeter column titled “The wiki way: Two cyber-gurus take a second look at how the Internet is changing the world.” Here’s the relevant excerpt: Wikinomics is even rejuvenating the fusty oldRead… Read more »

An Avatar Picture Worth 1,000 Friends

Do default avatar pictures bother you, or you still shrinking back from showing the world your pearly whites or using an agency logo on a consumer-oriented social media site? It’s often surprising how many new social media users fail to update their generic avatars when starting out. And failing to do so is likely toRead… Read more »

D.C. Open Government Roundtable – Speakers Include Govloop, GSA, Granicus, Sunlight Foundation

Tomorrow, Granicus is hosting an Open Government Roundtable in Washington D.C. It’s a full day event bringing together all levels of government and industry thought leaders on transparency and open meetings to discuss changes in policy and technology and to learn best practices. This exciting event will shed light on the latest ways to useRead… Read more »

Social Media: Time Savers or Suckers?

*********************************************************************** Not a Govloop Member? 30 Secs & Free to Join for Great Info & Perks *********************** This past week, I presented at a professional development event for the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL). The title and description was: Time Savers or Time Suckers? Are Twitter, Facebook, UStream and Ning worth your time? StatisticsRead… Read more »