A Top 10 Advice List for Graduates
Top 10 pieces of advice for high school/college graduates.
Top 10 pieces of advice for high school/college graduates.
You’ve been working for a few years, and you decide to get an advanced degree—for new knowledge or for a needed credential. How do you choose? In the past few years, universities have started lots of new master’s degrees—from “human-computer interaction” to “public history” to “law enforcement management”—many with direct connections to employers, such asRead… Read more »
Paul Wormeli appointed as lecturer in new IT Graduate Certificate program Ashburn, VIRGINIA, Sept. 17, 2014 — The IJIS Institute—a nonprofit organization that focuses on mission-critical information sharing for justice, public safety, and homeland security—is pleased to announce that Executive Director Emeritus Paul Wormeli will be teaching an introductory course in George Washington University’s (GWU)Read… Read more »
Graduate school is a challenge, no matter how you look at it. Intensive courses, fieldwork, internships — not to mention the amount of writing and reading that must be done. But no one ever said it would be easy. Adding a full-time job on top of a grad school regimen, however, can break your schedule,Read… Read more »
If you are a student, or know of one who is looking for a summer job, why not consider federal government work? Federal agencies have summer job openings for students and recent college graduates – and not all of the openings are in our nation’s capital! Did you know that each year federal agencies lookRead… Read more »
Continuing on a prior post about whether to pursue additional graduate school, here are some basic questions you should ask before applying to a graduate program: What are the employment outcomes of their graduates? Can they point to specific successes? Beyond the nice success stories, what is the average grad doing—what percentage got jobs inRead… Read more »
Do you remember what it was like starting your two year journey as a Presidential Management Fellow? Remember the experience was a whirlwind of confusion and questions as you interviewed for a half dozen positions – some in agencies you had never heard of! I’m sure it did not get any easier when you hadRead… Read more »
*** The blog below was originally posted on February 22, 2011. *** I am a second year Master of Public Policy candidate at American University in Washington, D.C. I decided to apply for the Presidential Management Fellows this year because it’s a great opportunity to work for the federal government and get 160 hours ofRead… Read more »
It appears the notice of results (i.e. the email with the link and information on the assessment) are starting to go out today to those PMF hopefuls who both successfully applied and were nominated by their respective school’s nomination official. As mentioned previously this year the assessment process has changed. This year the assessment processRead… Read more »
Each year the Graduate School presents the W. Edwards Deming Award to a federal government organization or a civilian or uniformed branch of the military in recognition of an impressive workforce development and training initiative that has measurably improved the organization’s performance. Considered the father of Total Quality Management (TQM), Dr. Deming created a bodyRead… Read more »