Posts Tagged: gsa

Budget Cuts and Cancelled Conferences – GSA’s Expo is Gone for Now

Budget cuts, scandals and travel restrictions have caused the General Service Administration to cancel their 2013 Expo. “It is the first time in almost 20 years that GSA has put on the Expo that they have decided to cancel it. Even in 2012 when the agency was racked by conference related scandal, they moved forwardRead… Read more »

Join OGTV-Tell Congress: NOT TO SEQUESTER STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math)

As per current federal statutes, the inability of Congress to agree on ways to reduce the United States deficit will result in $1.2 trillion in across-the-board cuts in federal spending, referred to as sequestration, effective March 1, 2013. According to the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), this could translate into as muchRead… Read more »

MAS Basic Course, Register Today!

Have you taken the comprehensive MAS Basic Course yet? Join us for this training online and receive a 4-credit CLP certificate towards your warrant requirements. The target audience for this training is contracting professionals at all levels who seek to gain understanding or strengthen their knowledge of Schedules contracting and ordering procedures. This course willRead… Read more »

Is Our Illustrious Congress Trying to Bury A Smoking Gun…..Again?

“The Government Man” has been quiet lately but an obscure news release over the weekend pushed my buttons again about one of my favorite topics, our ineffective and morally lacking Congress. Buried in the news on a Saturday before New Year’s weekend, the slowest media day of the week, if not the year, was aRead… Read more »

Pricing and a GSA Contract

There is much to learn about federal contracting, especially between your Schedule Solicitation document and the Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR). But there is also a great deal to gain in the federal market. An example is with a manufacturer who gives distributors a 50% discount, retailers a 30% discount, and the list price for generalRead… Read more »

The Government Man Talks About GSA’s Response to Hurricane Sandy

I have been using this blog as a forum for satirical commentary concerning some elected officials and certain components of my former lifetime employer, GSA. Unfortunately, there is absolutely no humor to be found in discussing Hurricane Sandy, one of the great disasters of a lifetime. In the last year GSA has been in theRead… Read more »

Complete List of GSA Schedules

After you have isolated the proper GSA Schedule, you will want to view the list of Special Item Numbers (SIN’s) under that Schedule. SIN’s are the subcategories of a GSA Schedule. For example the Facilities Maintenance Schedule has a SIN for Electrician services and another for HVAC services, and so on. These sub-categories can helpRead… Read more »

How Much Does a GSA Contract Cost?

There are so many choices when it comes to obtaining a GSA Contract, but they all can be categorized into 3 basic groups (everything can be categorized, right!). The first category is the “Do-it-yourself” where either the an chief executive officer staffer or assistant is tasked with acquiring their GSA Contract. They do not knowRead… Read more »