Building Community Through Internal Agency Hackathons
Hackathons can be valuable, community-building events within your agency. But what are they, how do you organize them and what specific benefits can you reap?
Learning, Professional Development
Hackathons can be valuable, community-building events within your agency. But what are they, how do you organize them and what specific benefits can you reap?
When you’re looking for new ways to solve tough problems, a hackathon might be your answer.
Citizen Engagement, Digital Government
Hackers, hackers everywhere. If you’ve been following the news recently, the “hacker” label probably doesn’t give you a warm-fuzzy sensation. But hackers aren’t always bad guys. To the software development community, hacking simply means taking a piece of code and altering it. It can be used for wrongdoing, but it can also be used toRead… Read more »
The era of technology, creativity, and collaboration is upon us. It’s the age of the Civic Hackathon! Government has increasingly used this tool to bring young, tech savvy, and passionate professionals from all sectors to put their heads together to solve some of our nation’s toughest technological challenges. Yet recently, Colorado became one of theRead… Read more »
The Tech Loop is a weekly compilation of the latest happenings in government technology gathered from around the web. This week’s topics include IoT, federal gov, cybersecurity, big data, and cloud. Internet of Things I support things! Not the most effective campaign mantra, but nonetheless, a bipartisan group of U.S. senators has drafted an InternetRead… Read more »
Citizen Engagement, Communications, Digital Government, Leadership, Tech
“One in five people living in the Middle East and North Africa are under the age of 24. 60% of people across the globe are under the age of 30. 65% in the middle east and north africa are under the age of 35. This is not only the future, but it is a demographicRead… Read more »
Citizen Engagement, Communications, Digital Government, Leadership, Tech
Martha Dorris has been a driving force behind the use of technology to help citizens more easily and quickly obtain government services and information, whether the contact comes through a website, email, telephone call or social media. At GSA, she created the agency’s two federal Web platforms — and its Spanish-language counterpart, InRead… Read more »
Citizen Engagement, Communications, Digital Government, Leadership, Tech
The Digital Government Strategy, the Open Data Directive, the Open Data policy and the Open Data Partnership agreement are all pushing agencies to find new ways to jumpstart innovation. Hackathons are the easiest and cheapest way to do that. The idea is simple, get a bunch of smart and talented programmers together, provide them withRead… Read more »
Last weekend I participated (as a volunteer) in the Longmont Hackathon, mainly because I’m good friends with Longmont’s webmaster, Susan Wolak. I helped judge the entries on the final day as well. I thought I would share a few of my thoughts. I enjoyed the experience a lot more than I thought I would. ItRead… Read more »
BlueLightCamp– the Unconference for emergency responders and those who work with them – is back for a second year. The Unconference will be on Saturday 27th April, in Manchester, and the Hackathon will be on Sunday. Both events are completely free to attend Full details are on the BlueLightCamp web site, and you can registerRead… Read more »