Posts Tagged: Hampton

‘To Have and To Hold, Til Twitter Us Do Part.’ Join us on #localgovchat tonight 6/2 at 9 EST.

How do you manage your relationship with social media AND the real people in your life? I was looking at old pics, like the one above from my wedding in 2003, and was started wondering: How many Twitpics would I have sent from the limo. Would I have updated my Facebook relationship status to “married”Read… Read more »

SF City Attorney Joins Twitter

from – The San Francisco City Attorney’s Office on Friday soft launched an official Twitter account for City Attorney Dennis Herrera. The policy development behind the launch is an example of Government 2.0 collaboration in action. I assisted in the effort, researching and discussing social-media-for-governance pitfalls and promise with media, outreach and IT strategistsRead… Read more »