What to Do When Your Boss is a Bully
When your boss is a bully, most of the advice you’ll hear is to get a new job. But what if you can’t?
When your boss is a bully, most of the advice you’ll hear is to get a new job. But what if you can’t?
Do you know how Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) fits into your responsibilities as a federal manager? If not, here are 10 things you must know.
Inaction in the face of harassment and intimidation is unthinkable when we all have the power to speak up and demand change in the workplace.
When most people hear about workplace harassment, it’s likely to be sexual harassment because that’s traditionally been the most common and publicized form. However, harassment is much broader than that of a purely sexual nature. In fact, harassment may take many forms of which not everyone is aware. Under federal laws prohibiting employment discrimination, harassmentRead… Read more »
* UPDATE: Since the time of this original post one year ago, the EEOC has approved and issued the Federal Sector Complement Plan referred to below. Click here to read it. – DBG ____________________________________________________________ The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has announced it is seeking public input on federal sector priorities under the agency’sRead… Read more »
It seems that change is afoot. The EEOC is seeking public comments (see below) on a proposed new strategic plan that it hopes will be more effective than the EEOC’s prior practice of filing individual lawsuits against select employers. In its new plan, the EEOC says it will strategically attack practices and issues that adverselyRead… Read more »
Hopefully, you have never been harassed at work and never will be. But what would you do if such a situation occurred? Would you know where to turn and what steps to take? Do you know your employment rights and the laws protecting you? What constitutes harassment? You probably have a good general idea ofRead… Read more »
When most folks hear about workplace harassment, it’s likley to be sexual harassment because that’s usually the most common and publicized form. The typical scenerio involves a female subordinate being sexually harassed by a male manager/supervisor, and/or co-worker(s). However, harassment is much broader than that of a purely sexual nature. In fact, harassment may takeRead… Read more »