It’s Open Season! How to Stay Calm and Make Choices
Open season for benefits can be confusing. It’s important to get your health benefits right. Here are some tips to help you make the choice.
Open season for benefits can be confusing. It’s important to get your health benefits right. Here are some tips to help you make the choice.
From entry into government to family life to retirement, you need to take the entire federal government employee lifecycle – or whole fed – into consideration when making professional decisions.
In order to make our healthcare system better, providers need to get away from an emphasis on the quantity of services delivered and move towards recognizing and rewarding quality, high-value care.
Don’t just re-enroll in the health plan you’ve been using for years. Reflect on the HDHP + HSA advantages which can dramatically improve your present and future financial life.
The health insurance open enrollment period – which will take place from November 1 to December 15 this year – is still months away, but that doesn’t mean you can’t start preparing yourself now for making a decision about what coverage you might want when the time comes.
Today’s standard of employer-sponsored health insurance is a relic from the early 1940s. Although the employer-sponsored model worked well when employees stuck with one company their entire careers and healthcare costs were low, it has become increasingly dysfunctional.
With Open Season here, here are some questions to ask yourself, your doctors, and your agency’s health insurance professional in preparation.
Deltek Analyst Aila Altman reports. With the clutter of media on rising health care costs, Medicaid reform, health insurance exchange (HIX) implementation, and related topics, we often lose sight of the human and social services side of this industry. March is National Social Worker Month, and Deltek’s health care and social services team thought thisRead… Read more »
Affording health insurance is tough for many people. Lincoln Hospital located in Bronx, New York lets uninsured New York City artists exchange their art for medical services. Under the program, artists will earn “health credits” for every creative service they perform. In exchange they’ll be able to obtain doctor’s visits, laboratory tests, hospitalization, emergency care,Read… Read more »
Maine has passed significant health insurance reform allowing for more interstate purchasing and insurance subsidies for some citizens. Amendments to the bill include measures to keep rates from rising in rural areas and will ensure that people do not have to travel long distances for health care. The measure passed the state Senate 24-10 andRead… Read more »