Posts Tagged: health

Encourage Dads to Quit Smoking

This June, as we observe Father’s Day and National Men’s Health Week, remember that not smoking or quitting smoking is one of the best things a man can do for his health and the health of his family. In honor of Father’s Day, CDC created new e-cards, a button, and a feature article designed toRead… Read more »

NASCIO Releases Guidance on the IT Implications of the Health Benefit Exchanges

The NASCIO Healthcare Working Group has released a publication, On the Fence: IT Implications of the Health Benefit Exchanges. The publication is now available for download at Now more than ever, state government relies on state CIOs to provide dependable information technology business solutions, serve citizens and enable the delivery of agency services. HealthRead… Read more »

Top 10 Tobacco Control Achievements 2001-2010

CDC online article identifies top 10 public health achievements of the first decade of the 21st century. Tobacco control makes the list, due to a federal cigarette tax increase; more smoke-free laws; and FDA regulations that ban flavored cigarettes, restrict youth access to tobacco products, and require larger, more graphic warning labels on cigarette packages.Read… Read more »

Will You Apply for Medicare When You Retire? I’m Thinking I Just Might Not

I recently did an OpEd on Yahoo News on my views of Medicare and some of the pending proposals to reform the system. As I was writing the article, I came to a somewhat startling conclusion. Check this link to see what it was: How many other federal workers out there are concerned aboutRead… Read more »

Lunch Encounters of the Third Kind? How Procurement Can Help!

FROM A PROFESSIONAL PROSPECTIVE I’ve recently began looking into ways that public procurement can purchase goods and services in a more sustainable way. By sustainable, I mean incorporating the social, economic, and environmental impacts that purchases can have. As I began to look into this the Farm-to-School program emerged as a perfect example of howRead… Read more »

Salt Lake Valley Health Department launches Public Health Video Contest

Flying DEN to SLC last month, I met University of Utah public health professor Christy Porucznik. It was a convenient introduction; she was heading back to Salt Lake City after attending the APHA Annual Meeting, and I was looking for help making videos for SLVHD-TV, Salt Lake Valley Health Department’s YouTube channel. Porucznik and herRead… Read more »

Government Benefits Worth Your Money

Goal: Make sense of your benefits package and pick the programs right for you. How To Cover Your Benefits Bases: 1. Pick a health/vision/dental insurance plan that suits your working style (i.e. HMO for staying put/PPO for travelling Govvies). 2. Contribute 5% to your retirement account or enough to get the full employer match, whicheverRead… Read more »

SLVHD & UPHA Join Forces “On The Hill”

Today Salt Lake Valley Health Department and the Utah Public Health Association spent the day “On The Hill”, speaking to Utah House Representatives about public health bills in the 2011 General Session. With my microphone in hand, I was lucky enough to speak to both supporters and sceptics of bills such as HB 102 ElectronicRead… Read more »