Posts Tagged: healthcare

Can Apps Help Reform the Healthcare System?

By MollyJust It is widely accepted that Internet-enabled health applications have the potential to provide better information to consumers but can they play a role in changing the health system at large? Recent reporting by the Health Care Blog and Health Data Management provide some insights here. Many people believe in the power of appsRead… Read more »

Backstage Pass: Kaiser Permanente and Integrated Care

The other day I had the opportunity to get a “backstage” tour of the Kaiser Permanente Capitol Hill Medical Center. Admittedly, I didn’t know what to expect when I first walked through the door, which looks remarkably like a hospital within an office building. However, after spending several hours walking the halls and seeing theRead… Read more »

Collaborative video for healthcare the key for avoiding readmission fines

The healthcare industry has gained a lot of attention lately, especially with the endless debate surrounding the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA). Unfortunately, the majority of the discussion and debate has focused on the shortcomings of the healthcare industry and rarely offers realistic or practical solutions for improving care to patients or accountabilityRead… Read more »

Government standards support federal vendors in metropolitan DC and the nation

Government standards support federal vendors in metropolitan DC and the nation, Washington DC Government Business Examiner About one-third of metropolitan Washington DC’s economy is involved in or related to the federal government. Generally, the Nation’s Capital and surrounding suburbs are comprised of the following business sectors: Biotech – Washington DC is a biotechnology magnet, whichRead… Read more »

Webinar: Unify Data Silos with MarkLogic

Unifying the View Across Data Silos … Easily! In this 60-minute webinar, the nation’s leading Health Information Exchange (HIE) provider, ICA, and MarkLogic will discuss how to bridge existing silos without “ripping out and replacing”. Companies today still try to end these silos with a rigid, lengthy approach, involving costly remapping and transformation into aRead… Read more »

Did We Forget Why We Are Here?

Freedom – that is why we are here, is it not?! How did our great nation begin…. somewhere in there, was a quest, a yearning, for freedom. Freedom from what? Freedom from any large entity dictating to us – telling us how we must live our lives, no taxation without representation, of speech, life, libertyRead… Read more »

Can New VA Policy Drive Telemedicine Adoption?

The Department of Veterans Affairs recently proposed a new policy that could provide a roadmap to increase telemedicine adoption should it be implemented across the healthcare community. According to an article in InformationWeek, the VA is looking to eliminate copayments for veterans that utilize telemedicine for doctor’s visits. The policy is designed to drive moreRead… Read more »

Should Hospitals Be Considered a Significant Target Of Terror? Many social scientists referred to guerrilla warfare as the “weapon of the weak” and terrorism as the “weapon of the weakest,” using violence to generate fear, and thereby to achieve their political goals, when direct military victory is not possible. Today terrorists usually prefer to avoid attacking heavily defended “hard targets” such as militaryRead… Read more »

VA Healthcare Innovators Nominations Due March 2

From the Virginia BioTech Association enewsletter: “In today’s rapidly evolving healthcare environment, improving the quality and efficiency of healthcare delivery is more important than ever. The healthcare industry must therefore foster and encourage progress and creativity. The 2012 Virginia Healthcare Innovators Awards co-sponsored by the Virginia Biotechnology Association (VABIO) honors Virginia providers and organizations/entities thatRead… Read more »