I Didn’t Hear You
How do you ensure that your audience can hear and understand you? Here are some suggestions for assisting the hearing challenged in your audience.
How do you ensure that your audience can hear and understand you? Here are some suggestions for assisting the hearing challenged in your audience.
What you need to know to be a disability ally.
During the hearing, DHS CIO Luke McCormack and State CIO Frontis Wiggins provided an inside look at what’s being done at their respective agencies to further FITARA implementation. This is what happened.
Today the House is examining whether OPM is “properly equipped to handle an increasing number of federal job applications and the timely payment of retirement benefits.” This is the result of several issues surrounding the USAJOBS website; Rep. Dennis Ross (R-Fla.) points out that “taxpayers are now paying for a system that doesn’t work, costsRead… Read more »
I am among the retired/aged members of this website and by now quite hard-of-hearing (hoh). I also write and still into posting online memoirs, vignettes, blogs, short stories and assorted pieces of non-fiction. About a dozen or so years ago I invited via the growing Internet other hohers (whatever their ages, self-identification discouraged) to tellRead… Read more »