Praise for the First, First Responders
911 dispatchers were rarely recognized during one of the most difficult years in modern history. Let us not forget why they are worthy of praise.
911 dispatchers were rarely recognized during one of the most difficult years in modern history. Let us not forget why they are worthy of praise.
Geographic information systems (GIS) are incredibly adaptable and continue to be used in new ways to present various information visually and easily. There are certainly many tactical applications for GIS. For example, to aid employees in locating services, researching housing opportunities and tracking regional programs. At the same time, GIS can also be applied toRead… Read more »
The Six Villains of Gov 2.0 or for that matter, social media within organisations. What do the villains in the public sector look like? What do the heroes look like?
For you who work in the Federal govt.; those of you in DC; have you walked among the monuments? have you read the inscriptions? have you ever thought of what it would be like to be that person? what life was like for them? have you ever asked youself what have I done for theRead… Read more »