Does Your Agency Have a Plan for High Potential Employee Flight Risk?
Does a great employee show signs of wanting to leave? Don’t let your high potentials go that easy. Learn how you can identify flight risks and motivate future leaders to stay.
Does a great employee show signs of wanting to leave? Don’t let your high potentials go that easy. Learn how you can identify flight risks and motivate future leaders to stay.
The Government Accountability Office has stepped into new territory by adding climate change to its list of the 30 most high risk challenges facing the federal government. What’s their rationale for adding it? Typically, we think of the GAO focusing on territory familiar to auditors, which is what most of the high risk list does:Read… Read more »
BIM Construction Cost Estimating – Top Ten List First and foremost BIM is the life-cycle management of the built environment supported by digital technology. While the industry is currently fixated upon 3D visualization tools, aka Revit, Archicad, Bentely… they only represent optional components of a BIM solution. Construction cost estimating, and robust, proven project deliveryRead… Read more »
It’s an exciting time of year…we are gearing up to welcome our next class of USG-funded international high school exchange students. Wanted to bring to your attention the importance of youth exchange and the rewarding opportunities of hosting these future leaders from around the world. This DipNote blog says it all… Posted by J. AdamRead… Read more »
The High Ground of Texas Education Foundation, in partnership with area Economic Development organizations, is hosting the REDI© 2009-2010 Program. Developed in 1990 and offered numerous time since, this twenty-five hour comprehensive program is designed to give volunteers, board members, city staff, chambers, practitioners, elected officials and other interested individuals, a basic, nuts-and-bolts understanding ofRead… Read more »
Today I have lost a dear friend and ally, David Evans. David was the Economic Developer in Plainview and served with me on the High Ground of Texas board of directors. Over the last several years David had become more than a colleague, he was a dear friend. We traveled many of the same roadsRead… Read more »
As a member of my city’s High Performance Organization Champions, I searched today for a web site where HPO principles could be discussed among colleagues and couldn’t find any. I found several sites that promote HPO principles and offer services, but none that offered open discussion. Where better to start than GovLoop. If this isRead… Read more »
Information on recently reported that the Department of Agriculture was paying $1.2 million for 2 pounds of frozen ham. In fact the contract in question actually purchased 760,000 pounds of ham for $1.191 million for food banks and homeless shelters. In response to misstated information the board overseeing refused to correct the informationRead… Read more »