Posts Tagged: Hiring

Drafting Your Fantasy Federal Team

Like fantasy football, achieving federal goals in your organization starts with a draft. The success of your mission depends on hiring the right employees, creating an intentional strategy, and knowing when to trade. A weak team will lower productivity and end an otherwise promising fiscal season. But, how do you build a team that willRead… Read more »

8 Ways to Get Hiring Managers More Involved with Talent Acquisition

So much is discussed, debated and written about how HR can improve the process of finding, hiring and retaining talent, I was surprised to see the results of The McQuaig Institute’s recent Global Talent Recruitment Survey as it relates to the top recruiting challenges. According to the survey, 68 percent of HR professionals identified issues withRead… Read more »

A Gov Exodus? Are You Leaving Too?

Are you looking out your window and witnessing a government stampede out the doors? Is your office looking empty? Probably. The Office of Personnel Management reported that more than 114,000 people left the federal government last year – mostly through retirements. To give you a better picture, the 114,000 departures is roughly 6.2% of theRead… Read more »

Talent Acquisition, Forget The System, Process

As the market for talent acquisition software evolves, government agencies typically move through a process of identification, proposals, testing and selection to determine the best fit for their organization. There are the usual RFIs, RFPs, solution bake offs and pilot testing, with the goal to bring in the solution that will best help the organizationRead… Read more »

Government is Hiring! But Where?

While it may appear that the size of the federal workforce has shrunk to the size of a thumbtack, many agencies are still looking to hire bright candidates. But the changing economy has forced management to alter their hiring process in favor of a more strategic one. Hiring employees is no longer isolated as anRead… Read more »

Are You In A Glass Case of Emotion?

“Emotional intelligence.” The phrase conjures the image of a therapist and a couch, but in reality being more emotionally intelligent you can help relieve stress, help you communicate effectively, help you empathize with others, overcome challenges, and defuse conflict. Being emotionally intelligent is one of the keys to mastering your career. Don’t believe the hype?Read… Read more »

The GovLoop Unofficial Guide to Getting a Federal Job

Approximately once a month, I get an email from a family member or friend that goes something like “My cousin/neighbor/babysitter is really interested in getting a federal job. S/he can’t figure out the process. Can you give her some inside guidance?” Whether OPM wants to admit it or not, the process is still way tooRead… Read more »

Success in Government Relies on Collaboration

The problems the government faces are now bigger and more complicated than ever before. Just look at the healthcare, immigration, regulation or even the federal pay debate. No longer do problems fit nicely into one agency or department. Therefore, the need for collaboration is more apparent than ever. But how do you collaborate in aRead… Read more »

The Time for Gov to Embrace Change is Now

Shutdown, furloughs, pay cuts – oh my! Last year was basically Groundhog Day for feds, each day an endless cycle of bad news – at least, that’s what it felt like. But how bad was it, really? A new survey tries to capture the data. In the new report, “Embracing Change: CHCOs Rising to theRead… Read more »