Posts Tagged: Hiring

Social Networking: Can it really get you a job?

It seems that everyone is participating in some form of social networking these days. Whether it’s Facebook, Linked In, Twitter, or some other form of online networking if you’re not using it, you’re quickly becoming part of the minority. Social networking is great for a lot of things. Connecting with family and friends, sharing pictures,Read… Read more »

FedPitch: Recruiting state and local employees into the federal service

Below is my winning idea for FedPitch 2009. Thanks to all the Govloopers who provided feedback on my idea before the competition. I’ll join the FedPitch organizers and judges this Friday FEDTalk on Federal News Radio at 11:00 AM to discuss FedPitch, then later in the month I’ll join my fellow finalists for dinner withRead… Read more »

Focusing on Acquisition Reform: Workforce First

The much anticipated Smart Contracting Caucus met this week for the first time since being created over a year ago by former House Oversight and Government Reform ranking member Tom Davis, (R-VA). The intent of the Caucus was to consider thoughtful federal procurement reform by having a type of 360-review of issues facing the contractingRead… Read more »

Hiring in Government

I just read an interesting article from the Washington Post. I encourage you to read it, especially those of you who may be responsible for hiring, or communications. Did you know that in the next four years, approximately 1/3 of government (Federal) jobs will need to be filled? With 3/4 of its workforce being overRead… Read more »

How to Ride The Federal Hiring Wave

Originally posted at There is one – and only one – nationwide employer that will continue to annually fill hundreds of thousands of high-paying, secure, dynamic jobs no matter how bad the economy may get. Who is this employer? The federal government, which will annually hire more than 200,000 new employees throughout the U.S.Read… Read more »

10 Secrets for Landing a Federal Job

From 1. KNOCK ON THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT’S FRONT DOOR AND BACK DOOR: Most job seekers look for federal openings only on USAJOBS (, the federal government’s official jobs website. But there are plenty of other ways to land federal jobs.For example, employment agencies and consulting firms frequently place employees on contract jobs in federalRead… Read more »

Summer camp games DO teach useful skills- like financial fraud…

(This is my first blog-esque post ever. So, sorry…) Remember that game Sharks And Minnows? Where one person was the shark and you had to swim with a group from one side of the pool to the other without getting tagged? Safety in numbers was the lesson then, especially because the game got progressively harderRead… Read more »

YGL – OPM and the Federal Hiring Process

It has been said time and time again that one of the best ways to get young people interested in working for the Federal Government is to change its hiring process. It became no longer acceptable to have a Federal Agency take six months or longer to hire a candidate. In that time, potential hiresRead… Read more »