Is Your Organization Ready for an Onboarding Program?
As more government agencies are doing more with less, an onboarding program can capitalize on productivity.
Career, Human Resources, Leadership, Professional Development
As more government agencies are doing more with less, an onboarding program can capitalize on productivity.
Career, Professional Development
On Tuesday, Jan. 28 and Wednesday, Jan. 29, reStart Events will host hiring and networking events in the D.C. area specially tailored to government employees with security clearances.
When looking to build out your team, how do you determine cultural fit? Given the need for government to hire candidates who align with the long-term objectives of an agency, one framework to use is missionary vs. mercenary.
Career, Human Resources, Leadership
We tend to hire those who look, act, think, and sound like ourselves – often without even knowing it. We just inexplicably feel better about those who remind us of us. We mistakenly call it “hiring for fit.” But it really is our egocentric bias.
Career, Human Resources, Leadership, Professional Development
Retaining talent is an obstacle currently faced by managers in the federal service. Here are three challenges we uncovered.
Human Resources, Professional Development
During the training, “5 Tips to Retain Your Team,” we suggested five approaches for managers who want to keep top performers.
This approach could be particularly useful for technical roles that receive large numbers of applicants but also those that have a clear set of qualifications.
Career, Human Resources, State and Local
Answering personnel management questions will be critical if the government is to excel in its missions and break free from overly bureaucratic processes in the 21st century.
Digital Government, Human Resources, State and Local
User experience in government isn’t just about tech – it refers to how easy or difficult it is for government employees to get their job done.
Career, Human Resources, Leadership, Professional Development
It takes courage to hire folks who disagree with you. It sounds crazy, but the proof of value is there.