Bring AI to the Edge
Most people think modeling is the hardest part of artificial intelligence. But really, the most obstinate AI barrier isn’t code or sampling.
Most people think modeling is the hardest part of artificial intelligence. But really, the most obstinate AI barrier isn’t code or sampling.
Teasing out insights from big data can seem like a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be with a big data analytical framework.
The Marine Corps needed new mobile training systems with technology that could facilitate modernization of aged logistics processes and procedures.
By integrating OT and IT systems, agencies can create a flow of data from the enterprise out to the edge and see greater insights into their operations.
It’s been a month since the release of the Federal Data Strategy. As agencies adjust to the shifting priorities, here are three tools that can help them meet the new, ambitious goals.
As government agencies hash out the challenges that come with making better use of their data, first understanding what they have and where to find it is key.
Turning data into insights requires the right tools. Government agencies require simple, flexible solutions that also meet citizen expectations.
Agencies are seeking innovative ways to boost internal efficiencies, while also improving how they manage and safeguard data.
Data can be extremely valuable to the way government achieves mission goals. But to reap that value, agencies must be able to do more than collect it; they must be able to analyze it.
As agencies grow in complexity and adopt encryption across a greater portion of the enterprise, they need to move beyond local key management.