Improving Diversity in the Public Sector via Re-imaging Talent Acquisition and Engagement
Improving diversity starts in the recruiting process.
Improving diversity starts in the recruiting process.
If you are a part of an organization that has any type of wellness program, consider yourself very fortunate. Before we proceed, let us define wellness. According to, Wellness means “the quality or state of being healthy in body and mind, especially as the result of deliberate effort.” Another definition is “an approachRead… Read more »
Digital Government, Leadership
Six months and a million dollars – it’s a bit of a running joke around the Washington, DC Capital Beltway. That’s what is often referred to as the minimum time and cost to get something done on a government contract. It’s the mantra that has made many businesses a handsome living for years. What’s surprisingRead… Read more »
Acquisition, Human Resources, Leadership
The world’s largest organizations understand that there are no quick fixes. Talent management and people management have strategic importance to and are critical to an organization’s success. A people-oriented organization with the ability to find, attract, recruit and develop the best talent understands talent management is a never-ending discipline.
Now that all the Year in Review and Year in Pictures articles have concluded, it’s time to move on to the predictions for the coming year. I’m by no means an “official” prognosticator. Yet I see a trend that has been building over the last several months in the federal HR space – a renewedRead… Read more »
Government agencies are being confronted with a multitude of challenges that are forcing leadership to make some drastic changes. Decreased budgets, increasing workloads, and high turn-over are just a few hurdles that agency leaders have to overcome as they struggle to improve the general consensus of working for the federal government. Earlier this year, fifty-fiveRead… Read more »