Posts Tagged: human

Looking for Human Resources Practitioners to Connect on GovLoop and LinkedIn for future research….

I will be starting my PhD in Education this fall, with my discipline focusing on (Ok here goes, its long!) – Occupational Studies and Technology with a Focus on Training & Development in Human Resources. I’m going to Old Dominion University in Norfolk, VA. I’m very excited about this third degree (I also have Bachelor’sRead… Read more »

Web 2.0 as a Means to $AVE

I just read an article on a new study from Watson Wyatt Worldwide which indicates that employers are looking to get the most out of their HR technology — shocking considering this economy, eh? So what did the survey say about utilizing social networking to communicate internally and making the investment now with the gaolRead… Read more »

Hiring in Government

I just read an interesting article from the Washington Post. I encourage you to read it, especially those of you who may be responsible for hiring, or communications. Did you know that in the next four years, approximately 1/3 of government (Federal) jobs will need to be filled? With 3/4 of its workforce being overRead… Read more »

Employee Performance Evaluations

I recently read the following, and thought I would share a little humor… Enjoy! ——————————————————————————– Quotes taken from actual (U.S.) Federal Employee Performance Evaluations ——————————————————————————– 1. “Since my last report, this employee has reached rock bottom and has started to dig.” 2. “I would not allow this employee to breed.” 3. “This employee is notRead… Read more »

The world as it is…

…isn’t always as it seems. Especially with the explosion of tools and widgets that we have all come to know and love. We will always be people, but what will this new technology bring to us, or us to it? I remain humbled by the power of humans to begin again and again.

Human Capital Management Techniques to Enforce Use of Social Media

Ok, so in support of my masters thesis, I’m hoping some of you can give me some ideas. The Intel Community actually is using great social media tools right now, including Intellipedia and blogs, but also a new Facebook equivalent called A-Space. The IC has touted these tools openly in the press as their wayRead… Read more »