Government Shutdown Impact Report
A Research Analyst at Clever Real Estate surveyed 500 federal workers on the impact of the government shutdown and wrote a report on the findings.
A Research Analyst at Clever Real Estate surveyed 500 federal workers on the impact of the government shutdown and wrote a report on the findings.
Career, Professional Development
In the old days, simply working hard would get you noticed. Times have certainly changed. Hard work is no longer enough to prosper in today’s competitive workplace. You must amp it up to leave a lasting impression and differentiate yourself from others.
Analytics, Citizen Engagement, State and Local
The most important part of the analytics process within an urban environment is impacting the resident.
How do I scale my work? I hear this question in many different ways, in many different venues, and many different times a day. Here’s how you can embrace it.
When asked who we consider a great leader, many of us will name someone famous who has inspired millions. However, many will also name those closest to them who have invested in their career and cared about them.
Last week, we celebrated the launch of Living Cities’ latest interactive annual report Disrupting Inequality: Living Cities’ Perspective in 2013. Living Cities is an innovative collaboration among 22 foundations and financial institutions committed to improving the lives of low-income people and the cities where they live. This year, the Living Cities report is focused onRead… Read more »
President Obama’s fiscal year 2015 budget proposals actually invest in programs that demonstrate effectiveness, and he invests in generating new knowledge about what works through more evidence and evaluation. While the headlines about the president’s new budget focus on the big numbers, there is a significant back story about what the Office of Management andRead… Read more »
Non-profits, foundations, and universities are enthused by government’s growing interest in the use of evidence and evaluation. They are chiming in with either support for government initiatives or undertaking their own initiatives. Some non-profits and foundations are advocates for the use of evidence-based decision-making in different policy arenas, while others advocate use of different toolsRead… Read more »
Leadership, Project Management
The federal government is not the sole player in the growing movement toward the use of evidence and evaluation in the policy decision-making process. While the federal government is undertaking a number of evidence-based program initiatives, the “moneyball government” movement is broader, encompassing initiatives at the state, local, and even international levels. Examples of State-LevelRead… Read more »
OMB’s guidance to agencies on the development of their FY 2015 budgets promises that “OMB will issue a separate memo at a later date that encourages the increased use of evidence and evaluation, including rigorous testing of innovative strategies to build new knowledge of what works.” This encouragement comes on top of a foundation alreadyRead… Read more »