Bring Back Inefficiency
The casual interactions that used to be positive parts of in-person offices can also become a helpful feature of virtual work.
The casual interactions that used to be positive parts of in-person offices can also become a helpful feature of virtual work.
Wikileaks does it again, publishing material that was meant to be classified and protected. People have called it treasonous and recommended legal action. Others have suggested a cloak-and-dagger approach to punish the guilty. President Obama has called for agencies to review their procedures for handling sensitive material. The general consensus among those in Government andRead… Read more »
Reposted from original at When reading the Augustine Committee’s summary report, there was one particular line that really stood out to me. “In fact, the Committee finds that no plan compatible with the FY 2010 budget profile permits human exploration to continue in any meaningful way.” Wow. That is a lot to take in.Read… Read more »
I went the whole day yesterday without ever once realizing it was Thursday. It wasn’t until I was feeling happy that today was Friday that I realized I missed my regular posting day! Now, those who’ve known me long enough know I tend to operate in geologic time. I don’t really relate to the calendarRead… Read more »