5 Strategic Considerations for Successful IT Modernization in Your Agency’s Enterprise
Regardless of which role you play, the IT infrastructure is a key component in your city and your residents rely on you to protect, maintain, and improve it.
Regardless of which role you play, the IT infrastructure is a key component in your city and your residents rely on you to protect, maintain, and improve it.
Partnered cloud and data center solutions offer federal agencies a way to meet the innovation demands of our digital era, without breaking budgets or overtaxing IT departments.
In order to stay relevant and sustainable, implement ways to document new knowledge every day, nurture it through systems and training routinely, and harvest it at least quarterly.
To identify how human + machine can be paired effectively, the federal government has also recognized the value of looking at commercial successes, sharing use cases and success stories, in addition to investing in pilots and then scaling.
Open source technology and developments allow governments of all sizes to launch applications that can immediately provide business returns, communicate with one another and find tailored, innovative solutions.
Innovation in the public sector can help solve some of communities’ most intractable challenges.
Advanced AI solutions require robust data pipelines to transform raw data into business value. Here’s how.
The nature of the public service is changing, and the old ways are not coming back. The future of public administration is transformation – and it’s high time we started supporting public servants to scuttle the old systems that keep governments entrenched in non-value-added work.
Wicked problems need their own solutions but no one wants to bring them up, let alone try to solve them. We can’t ignore some wicked problems forever.
Under the leadership of Geographic Information Officer (GIO) Julia Fischer, Maryland has used GIS as the basis for many exciting, constituent-focused projects.