You Can be a Change Agent in Gov’s Digital Transformation
Need to make some changes at your agency? Check out how the CIO of the FCC modernized his technology and inspired his workforce.
Need to make some changes at your agency? Check out how the CIO of the FCC modernized his technology and inspired his workforce.
It’s easy to say “let’s go digital” but another matter to get organizational buy-in, especially when you work at an agency that has used the same paper-based processes for decades.
John Hine led efforts to bring the internet to New Zealand, check out this article to learn more about his story.
Richard McKinney was CIO at the Department of Transportation for nearly four years. Learn how he took the Department from a decentralized to enterprise model.
Check out the Department of Commerce’s former CIO’s advice on IT innovation.
Check out how this former CIO brought innovation and overcame challenges at her agency.
The existing government process wants long-term solutions to be predictable and written in stone. Unfortunately, reality demands that the government process be responsive to ever-changing needs.
Profiling those who champion change in government process.
The objective during this step is to explore how ideas might take form in the real world and be successful. It is about building to learn, making prototypes to understand how design solutions might work and testing to see how users experience them. Initial failure and repetition is part of the process and fundamental to… Read more »
Careful evaluation of each innovation concept is critical to finding out which concepts ones are the most promising and actually worth pursuing. The strengths and weaknesses of each concept need to be weighed against a set of defined criteria deemed important to the project. This step of the innovation process is about assessing concepts, combining… Read more »