Posts Tagged: innovation

Meet the Govie Using You to Innovate

We all have the potential to solve some of the hard hitting problems the government faces on a daily basis. However, there is oftentimes no mechanisms in place to foster such open innovation. Fortunately, there are govies like Jenn Gustetic who are pushing the bounds of open innovation and involving citizens in the government problem… Read more »

Keep It Simple: Innovation and Regulation Can Coexist

Retired Air Force Lt. Col. Dan Ward has made a bit of a name for himself as a leading thinker in terms of pushing and supporting innovation within the typically slow-moving world of federal acquisition. The author of two books, Ward has advocated loudly and eloquently for pushing for speed and simplicity in procurement, andRead… Read more »

Meet the Govie Who’s Fast Tracking Citizenship for Immigrants

Immigration has impacted almost all of our lives in one way or another. Whether you are an immigrant yourself or one of your colleagues is trying to help her parents become citizens, we all know how tedious the immigration process can be. Fortunately, there are people like Mariela Melero who are innovating the immigration process… Read more »

Meet the Govie Who’s Saving Lives Through Innovation

Imagine the year is 2030. There are computers in every ambulance that can determine if someone is bleeding internally simply from their vital sign readings. Sounds like the introduction to a science fiction novel, right? Thanks to one man and his team, this technology is real and it’s being used everywhere from the battlefield toRead… Read more »