Posts Tagged: innovation

The Impact of Government Shutdowns on Innovation

With the upcoming deadline to pass the budget for the 2016 fiscal year, it’s a good time to revisit the impact of past shutdowns and Continuing Resolutions (CR) – both which can delay funding to agencies and cause uncertainty over future funding. Much has been written about the cost of these budget uncertainties, particularly aroundRead… Read more »

Collaborating for Better Government

For GSA, collaboration is more than just a buzzword or standing at a podium talking to stakeholders. It is a dialog – a give and take that includes understanding and respecting everyone’s needs, goals, and values. Successful collaboration happens when everyone is committed to the core principles of trust, understanding, and compromise– and the end… Read more »

How to Innovate Like Germany and Taiwan

It doesn’t take a genius mastermind to get the idea ball rolling. Innovation is for everyone and everyone can benefit from it. This was made clear in a recent report, The Global Flourishing of National Innovation Foundations, published by the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation. Stephen Ezell, Director of Mobile Innovation Policy for the InformationRead… Read more »

Innovation Entrepreneurs Unite!

You have nothing to lose but your silos! Last month, nearly 200 enthusiastic innovators from more than two dozen federal agencies gathered to share ideas and inspire each other with stories of what they are doing in their agencies. Using “lightening round” presentations, nearly a dozen presenters shared their stories. Andy Feldman from the DepartmentRead… Read more »

Photo of large flag unfurled across the Grainger Stadium infield during the National Anthem prior to opening game

Why It’s Time for the Government to be Part of the Public Conversation about Health and Health Care

While we are not in control of the conversation, government workers can still listen and contribute to it. We can seed it with facts and ideas. We can respond to questions. We can be human, even as we maintain a thoughtful and focused public presence. All by leveraging the power of online communications.

The Lab at OPM: Reflections on my Detail so Far

Before beginning my detail here at the beginning of July, I had visions of what it would be like working at the Innovation Lab at the Office of Personnel Management (also known as the Lab at OPM). I had been to its ‘Introduction to Human-Centered Design’ training, and I had reveled in the couches, whiteRead… Read more »