Posts Tagged: innovation

The Changing Mission of DoD

In our recent guide, The DoD of Tomorrow, we examine how the department is changing its workforce, operations, technology, and acquisitions processes. But before we dive into how the department is changing, we should explore why it’s changing. Evolving threats, battle lines, and responsibilities are three large challenges forcing Pentagon officials to rethink their tactics. NewRead… Read more »

Part 1: World Class Organizations, Are You Missing Something?

I am attending the Florida Sterling Council’s Annual Conference in Orlando next week as a Sterling Examiner going into my fourth year. Sterling is the Florida Governor’s version of the nationally recognized Malcom Baldrige Presidential program; they are not-for-profit and serve both public and private entities. Both programs are dedicated to improving the performance ofRead… Read more »

“Bureaucracy” – Iron Cage to Social Network

I hate word “bureaucracy” because it degrades public sector workers at all levels. For many reasons, countless pejorative metaphors, theories, and political actions about public sector workers have decorated the iron cage. Public sector staff can weave webs supporting real collaboration, see contacts outside the hierarchy and rules; they seek out connections with people who… Read more »

The Wolf PACT of Innovation – What Alan and Gov Have In Common

Back in 2009, the movie the Hangover introduced us to the ultimate Wolfpack. In the film, the oddball character Alan, played wonderfully by Zach Galifianakis, toasts his future brother-in-law during his bachelor party. “You guys might not know this, but I consider myself a bit of a loner. I tend to think of myself as aRead… Read more »

Sparking Innovation Out Of The Doldrums

When things are running smoothly, a lot of us find it hard to push ourselves and think creatively. However, when someone challenges us to find new ways of doing things, we’re more inclined to think outside of the box and innovate. For instance, think of the reality show ‘Top Chef’. The challenge of the competitionRead… Read more »

The Customer Feedback You’re Probably Missing

Internal customer surveys are a good way to find out how support services are functioning, and they can yield valuable insights that promote innovation, help retain talent, increase job satisfaction and encourage continuous improvement. They can also increase the overall performance of the government, because an organization that cares about its employees’ opinions and acts… Read more »

Innovation: What The Feds Think

Innovation is a big buzzword all over the business world. It’s taken off in the private sector, with companies such as Apple or Tesla constantly pushing boundaries in terms of creativity and delivery. In these organizations, there is a culture of innovation, where it is encouraged and rewarded. But what about the public sector? WhatRead… Read more »