Posts Tagged: innovation

What Does a Creative Organisation Look Like?

“I think it is important to point out that creativity is a human capability. It is not owned by, or restricted to artists, designers and architects; everyone has it, but the real question is how you harness creativity in such a way that it can be made productive.” There has been a growing recognition inRead… Read more »

Follow the New IP Part IV: Putting Control in the Hands of Government

What is the New IP? If you’ve been following my series on Federal Insights, you may know that the New IP is an emerging networking foundation for innovation based on open standards, and a software-defined, highly dynamic and user-centric infrastructure. As we enter a cloud and mobile driven era, IT infrastructure must be modernized toRead… Read more »

Innovate From The Inside Out: Create An Innovation Plan

Recent “Innovate from the Inside Out” blogs focused on forming teams and generating ideas. Now it’s time to create an innovation plan. Ideally you will create a plan that conforms to a larger organizational innovation strategy. No such strategy in the organization? That’s OK. Think of your innovation plan as you’d think of a projectRead… Read more »

Avoiding the “Jaded Fed” Syndrome

We all know them – the long (or short) term career bureaucrat, counting down the days (months, decades) to retirement, seething in negativity and boredom. These employees contribute to poor public perception, engage in bristly customer service and their negativity can bring others down with them, creating a toxic work environment. Here are some tipsRead… Read more »

Taking the Buzz Out of Innovation

Innovation was the buzzword of 2014. It seems you couldn’t go anywhere without hearing about the need for innovation. But where is innovation actually embedded in the work of government? And how can innovation really make an impact? How can innovation go from buzzword to process? Philip Colligan, Deputy Chief Executive and Executive Director forRead… Read more »

The Pitfalls of Prototyping

by Andrew Lopresti Failure is not an option. It’s a necessity. If all we ever do is succeed, we have never pushed our own limits. Failure is an important step – and a very liberating one – when interaction designers realize they can miss the mark on something without it being the end of theRead… Read more »

ICYMI: Looking Back at 2014

Looking back at year’s end, what themes pop out from the various blog posts written over the past year? What’s worth revisiting in 2015? Here’s a list at this link: (I haven’t figured out how to cut-and-paste text into GovLoop blogs without losing hotlinks, and since this is just a list of hotlinks, I’mRead… Read more »