Posts Tagged: innovation


By Pete Wilson There is a lot of energy today around innovation in government. This is a good thing. Government agencies, like all large organizations, can fall into a complacent bureaucratic model that fiercely protects established structures, processes, and cultures. When they do, they can become unresponsive to the evolving needs of customers, partners, andRead… Read more »

Gov-Love At Igniting Innovation 2015

‘Tis the Valentine’s Day season, and I’m feeling the gov love – and gov seems to be feeling it, too. Lately, there have been a great number of efforts by the government to make citizens’ lives easier. These programs and initiatives push the boundaries of what government is generally seen to do for its peopleRead… Read more »

Are We Individuals, Or Are We Really The Same?

Everyone has their own quirks and wonderful traits that make them just who they are. It’s part of what makes meeting new people so thrilling and exciting. But at the other end of the spectrum, we’re all human beings. We all must eat, drink, sleep to survive. At the end of the day, we’re reallyRead… Read more »

Prohibition Yields Innovation

Perhaps the most popular example of average Americans resisting authority came during the Prohibition Era of 1920-1933. Putting aside the imagery of movies like The Untouchables, moonshine & home breweries took on bigger, albeit clandestine, role in American innovation. Also of note during prohibition, production of sacramental wine for churches rose by hundreds of thousands… Read more »

Applied Innovation: Creativity Through Competition

Competition can be thrilling and challenging. Here at GovLoop, we’ve all taken Gallup’s Strengthsfinder assessment, which measures an individual’s greatest professional assets. These can include strengths such as achiever, adaptability, discipline, includer, and many more. Many on our team scored high in the category of competition. Many of us, it seems, enjoy the thrill ofRead… Read more »

Technology is changing- learn how to grow with it!

Next week (February 9-10, 2015), Esri is holding a Federal GIS Conference to inspire government employees to share ideas, best practices, and more. Over 3000 government professionals and leaders will join together in Washington, D.C. to combat real-world challenges with real solutions that utilize GIS technology. Esri technology is helping the government become more resilientRead… Read more »

Framework, Visualized

 By Cathy Thomas Stop with the task-based approach Have you ever been approached by a client who wants a mobile app but does not have specific requirements, just general goals? That can be a daunting challenge. With mobile apps, ideally there should be opportunities for user interaction and touch gesture feedback beyond simply navigating aroundRead… Read more »

Innovation Pipeline Management: Lessons Learned from the Federal Government and the Private Sector

There are several government initiatives that promote innovation, both within and across government agencies. Some are intended to eliminate waste by bringing in a “skunk works” style external group along the lines of Technology Fellows programs or the Food and Drug Administration’s Entrepreneurs-in-Residence. Other involve providing innovation funds within agencies to promote new ideas forRead… Read more »