Posts Tagged: innovation

The Case for More In-House Development: How a Skunk Works Saves Money in the Long Run

On the surface it makes perfect sense. Outsource your development efforts. When the development is done, the contract developers leave and you’re not paying for their time. Makes more efficient use of your IT dollars! Better! Faster! Cheaper! However, not having skilled developers available misses out on an essential skill set to make your organizationRead… Read more »

Can Innovation Labs Transform Public Sector Work Culture?

In case you missed it, the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) has brought a piece of Silicon Valley’s high-tech entrepreneurial spirit to Washington in the form of a new and exciting Innovation Lab. Since launching in March 2012, the Lab has been successfully utilized by employees from dozens of federal agencies ranging from NASARead… Read more »

Innovation within the Public Sector: 5 Ways to Expand Your Skill-Set

The public sector is full of opportunities for innovation, mentorship and programs to expand your skills. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting out, the opportunities to grow are endless. Often times, we get caught up in the day-to-day hustle confined to our respective cubicles, which makes it harder to take advantage of suchRead… Read more »

Trending in Government: Innovation or Bust?

Has the IT implementation of Obamacare been bad for government innovators? Though most government programs and projects don’t have nearly the same stature, many senior government officials work in fear of being maligned in the Washington Post or other media and make cautious decisions. As stewards of taxpayer resources, senior managers need to be astuteRead… Read more »

Innovation is About More Than Technology – It’s About People

We talk about innovation all the time on the DorobekINSIDER. Innovative apps. Innovative procurements. Innovative technology. But we rarely highlight innovative people who are doing things differently. The Partnership for Public Service operates the Excellence in Government Fellows Program. It’s a leadership development opportunity for GS-14 and 15s that prepares leaders to be more thanRead… Read more »

At the Crossroads of Public Service and Innovation

In the almost two dozen years that I’ve had the honor of working with Federal agencies providing Organizational Development consulting, I’ve been impressed with the quality of the people: their commitment to their jobs and the public they serve, and their interest in making broad leaps in innovation. In celebration of Public Service Recognition Week,Read… Read more »

Innovation, More than a Buzzword? An Idea Revolution?

Innovation. It’s the latest buzzword making waves in government. But is there more to innovation than just hype? Has the government really embraced the idea of it? Or is it merely innovation for innovation’s sake? Philadelphia is embracing more than just the term innovation; they’ve just graduated the first class from the Municipal Innovation Academy.Read… Read more »

Your Top Digital Government Questions – Answered

Last week, GovLoop, Accenture and Pegasystems hosted an online training on the future of digital government. And an especially important part of that training was the Q & A session between panelists and attendees, since it provided a live, interactive forum for the exchange of ideas and solutions. You can listen to an archived recordingRead… Read more »

What Drives Government Innovation? Startups

Government is known for many things—but innovation typically is not one of them. That doesn’t mean it’s not happening, though. In fact, throughout the country there are people in and around government thinking outside the box and bringing innovation to their communities. These new ideas are helping to bridge technology gaps, increase transparency, provide essentialRead… Read more »

15 Opportunities for Your Agency to Innovate in Government

The Department of the Interior has successfully matched their message to the right medium with their use of Instagram — and that’s one of the ways government can innovate better. Wednesday, GovDelivery hosted an important event on the Power of Reach in government, on how your communications can engage stakeholders to take action – onlineRead… Read more »