Posts Tagged: innovation

How Philly is Bridging the Gap Between Gov & Innovation

On Tuesday April 8th, GovLoop hosted our third annual Government Innovators Virtual Summit. This year we focused on “Innovations that Matter” and how to make innovation stick at your agency. Read this recap of our session on a new open-source solution in Philadephia and head here for the full recordings. More blog coverage of theRead… Read more »

What is Your Innovation Style?

In a recent speech by Steve Blank delivered to the 2014 graduating class of ESADE’s MBA program, he asked the graduates to “embrace change and lead the way”. The speech was mostly about the implications technology has imposed on the business world and how we are in a time where we must innovate to survive.Read… Read more »

Innovation Australian-Style

Innovation seems to be a big deal in governments around the world. But the Australian Public Service developed a formal action plan for innovation in 2011 and is rolling out a series of initiatives that are building the use of innovation into the government’s institutional framework. The current edition of The Public Manager describes theRead… Read more »


The Paint Branch High School is special. Years ago they decided that their annual science fair shouldn’t just be a checkoff on a list and started redesigning their event. They looked at why no one came and decided to move it from the middle of the day to the evening to make it easier forRead… Read more »

New Report: A Guide for Innovative Public Servants

Released by the IBM Center for the Business of Government, “The Persistence of Innovation in Government: A Guide for Innovative Public Servants,” mines data from the 28-year history of the Harvard University’s Kennedy School’s Innovations in American Government Awards (HKS Awards). The report author, University of Toronto Professor Dr. Sandy Borins, seeks to discern howRead… Read more »

The Power of Predictive Policing in Surf City

When the term ‘predictive policing’ comes up, what movie immediately comes to mind? If you said The Minority Report you aren’t alone. According to Santa Cruz Deputy Chief of Policy Steve Clark, that’s a common reaction. In reality, the technology currently being tested by law enforcement today is just as fascinating as science fiction –Read… Read more »