Posts Tagged: innovation

Making Gov Innovations Matter – Plus the 7 gov stories you need to know

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Workforce = mission. If you don’t have the right people it is a recipe for disaster. But getting the recipe right is a huge challenge. So how do you make it work? Insights from the Government Accountability Office. You can find all of our programs online: and GovLoop Insights atRead… Read more »

Startup Culture Has a Place in Government

Although both sides may be loath to admit it, large government agencies and big corporations share many of the same organizational characteristics. Both generally have sizeable human capital requirements. Both are governed by bureaucratic rules and procedures. And both have been delivering their services, in one form or another, for a long time. Of course,Read… Read more »

Open Source Myths and Software as a Renewable Resource

This is the first installment in a two-part series on open source software (OSS) for enterprise IT. The second installment features an open source success story in the New York Senate. “The leading innovation in software development today is actually happening in the open source community.” – Adam Clater, Red Hat, Inc. Last week IRead… Read more »

When Snow Hits, How Can We Help Those Most Vulnerable?

For the elderly and people with disabilities, snowstorms can mean being trapped at home unable to get to work, to the food store, to the pharmacy, or have the mail delivered. It can mean that for days, you’re stuck alone in your home fearful of what might happen and that the stability of your healthRead… Read more »

Are Small Budgets Good For Innovation – Part Two

Spending in the federal government is down. Sequestration has put a serious drain on many agency resources, but could the money squeeze actually create a breeding ground for innovation? In part two of our interview, with the first Chief Innovation Officer at NARA, Pamela Wright, told Chris Dorobek that the smaller budgets are forcing aRead… Read more »

Shark Tank: HHS Edition

Last week, thirteen teams of government entrepreneurs made pitches in a “shark tank” environment to continue funding for their innovation programs through a new initiative at the Department of Health and Humans Services (HHS) called HHS Ignite. The HHS Ignite program “[c]atalyzes early-stage project ideas that can be completed within very compressed time frames. TeamsRead… Read more »

Meet NARA’s First Chief Innovation Officer – Part 1

Innovation is one of those Rorschach terms, where innovation means different things to different people. Even amongst Chief Innovation Officers the role of innovation at an agency can vary greatly. So what really makes an innovative program? Pamela Wright is the first ever Chief Innovation Officer at NARA. She was also named one of FCW’sRead… Read more »

College Made Easier with Open Data – Plus Your Weekend Reads!

Going to college is an exciting, terrifying and downright confusing time for students and parents alike. Choosing the right college is a difficult choice. Paying for that college is tricky and figuring out student aid is almost impossible. That is why the White House Innovation fellows were tasked with opening up Education Department data toRead… Read more »

Government’s Mobile Technology Revolution

Mobile technologies are rapidly transforming nearly every aspect of our personal and professional lives. In fact, the proliferation of social media seems impossible without the widespread use of mobile devices. Meanwhile, companies are discovering cost efficiencies and flexibility of access – through tablets and smartphones – by moving their entire business operations to the cloud.Read… Read more »

2014 Data Innovation Day Report: Lessons for Building a ‘Smart City’

“All of a sudden it is cool to be a data geek.” Spoken enthusiastically by Tim Paydos of IBM, these words perfectly encapsulated the mood of Thursday’s 2014 Data Innovation Day. The conference, now in its second year, is a product of the Center for Data Innovation, a non-partisan think tank that researches the growingRead… Read more »