Posts Tagged: innovation

Government Challenges – Your Solutions – Why Works

In 2010 the General Services Administration launched The idea was simple the site would house agency contests and competitions together in one place. But no one could have predicted the success. Now three years in, is home to more than 250 challenges from 60 agencies. Sheila Campbell is the Director for Excellence inRead… Read more »

Reinventing Innovation

What inspired me at the Excellence in Government Conference? I liked the emphasis on innovations underway in different places around the government. Sometimes we get caught up in buzzwords of the day: Total Quality Management, Lean Six Sigma, Agile, Business Process Reengineering, or Reinventing Government. But the bottom line in each of these types ofRead… Read more »

Government Innovators- Learn How They Do It

In a time of sequestration and budget cuts innovation is the name of the game. All across government we are seeing “government innovators” pop up. People who are disrupting bureaucracy, collaborating, using new technology such as social media, and transforming how government operates. But how are they doing this and how can you replicate itRead… Read more »

Invite Failure – What the Innovative Agencies Are Doing Right

In order for an agency to be innovative you have to empower your employees and leave room for failure. So which agencies are doing that effectively? Dan Helfrich is a Principal at Deloitte Consulting. The Partnership for Public Service and Deloitte’s new Best Places to Work in the Federal Government analysis found that the vastRead… Read more »

The Agile Approach to Innovation – Why it worked in Michigan – Part 2

Becoming an innovator doesn’t happen overnight, you need strong support from your leaders, an ability to take risks and budgetary support. Michigan’s CIO David Behen and CTO Rod Davenport know all about implementing innovation. They recently been named as Government Technology’s Top 25 in Technology for their work in Michigan. In part one of ourRead… Read more »

Michigan’s CIO and CTO give frank insights on the state of gov. IT – Part 1

Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder believes technology can transform government. It’s state CIO David Behen’s job to turn the governor’s vision into reality. Behen was recently named one of Government Technology’s Top 25 in Government. Behen is aided in his quest with CTO Rob Davenport. Both men sat down with Chris Dorobek on the DorobekINISIDER forRead… Read more »

CDC Turns to Apps to Create Disease Detectives – Social Media and Health

The Centers for Disease Control have launched a new app – Solve the Outbreak – to help teach people about disease outbreaks. The interactive game allows users to track, solve and prevent future outbreaks. Alex Cassanova is the Innovations Team Lead at the CDC. He told Chris Dorobek on the DorobekINSIDER that the users playRead… Read more »

Sometimes the Best Innovations are the Most Obvious

Consider an online resource where you could search for the best after-school programs for your kids? It seems pretty obvious right? But so far the government hasn’t been able to build a comprehensive online database. That’s where NYU’s Wagner School comes in, they’ve developed a new website called CluedIn. CluedIn is a comprehensive, interactive web-basedRead… Read more »

Civic Cloud – Moving Citizen Engagement to the Cloud

“Citizen engagement means a lot more than fixing potholes,” said Maury Blackman. Blackman is the CEO of Accela. He told Chris Dorobek on the DorobekINSIDER program that from his standpoint citizen engagement falls into three distinct areas. Three Areas of Citizen Engagement Public Infrastructure Management: Taking care of what is in the city, potholes, downedRead… Read more »