Posts Tagged: innovation

Understanding local government innovation and how it spreads

Open data, BYOD, data analytics, for many local government’s those innovative ideas aren’t a reality. For many them most important innovations are those that change their bureaucratic processes to improve the way they deliver their services while reducing their costs, according to a recently released report from the New American Foundation. Rachel Burstein is aRead… Read more »

Thinking Forward to Preserve the Past: Interview with Pamela Wright, CINO of NARA

Interview: Innovation is the Magic Word Read Below or Download PDF If the 21st century (so far) had to be categorized by a word it would have to be “innovation”. It is a word that brings to mind the great advancements in technology, human to human interactions, human to computer interaction and more. The wayRead… Read more »

Talk to Me: Dr. Ted R. Smith on Engaging Citizens through Established Conversations

On April 17th, Chris Dorobek was joined by a panel of professionals to talk citizen engagement on this month’s DorobekINSIDER LIVE. In the conversation with Dr. Ted R. Smith Chief Innovation Officer, Louisville Metro Economic Growth & Innovation, they discussed how the issue is not starting a conversation with the public, but rather having agenciesRead… Read more »

NIC and MeriTalk Report Overview: Innovators Anonymous

NIC and MeriTalk recently partnered to conduct a survey, Innovators Anonymous. In December of 2012, MeriTalk surveyed 200 Federal managers to understand the impact of budget cuts on agency programs. MeriTalk explored how Federal managers were responding to challenges and what kinds of innovative approaches managers were taking to combat budget cuts. Report Highlights MeriTalkRead… Read more »

Complimentary Webinar: Use Creativity to Innovate

Is the need for creativity stopping innovation efforts in your agency? Join other GovLoop members on this complimentary Creativity and Innovation Webinar sponsored by Workplace Power Institute and will be held on April 17th at 11:30 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time. You’ll get ideas on how to build a more creative team, innovate new ideas, andRead… Read more »

California Civic Innovation Project Report Sheds Light on Knowledge Sharing and Innovation in Government

Whether you work at the Department of Agriculture, the California State Treasury Office or the Planning Division of the City of San Jose, you have probably encountered the following scenario. You are tasked with solving a problem — say, how to encourage those eligible for food stamps to take advantage of the program, or howRead… Read more »

Considerations for the Digital Public Information Officer (PIO)

This topic has come up time and time again here on GovLoop and I felt it was time to revisit the greater discussion involving use of social/new/2.0/3.0/etc technology for the purposes of emergency response, recovery, mitigation, citizen engagement, and so forth through the optic of the PIO. To this end, an entire world-wide group ofRead… Read more »

But Wait, There’s More!: Part II of an Interview with Pamela Wright, CINO of NARA

Innovation is one of the many buzz words floating around federal agencies. In a recent interview, Pamela Wright (CINO of NARA) shared the innovation goals of the National Archives and explained two projects that are looking to achieve those goals. As promised, below are three more goals, as well as descriptions two successful projects thatRead… Read more »

The Old Dogs Have the Best New Tricks: The Best Innovators Aren’t the Youngest

I may be shooting myself in the foot here by spreading this around, but word has it that the best innovators aren’t Millennials. Many companies have been trying to create a younger work force, gently (or not so gently) encouraging older employees to retire and leave. The belief is that innovation comes from the newbies,Read… Read more »

Innovation is the Magic Word: An Interview with Pamela Wright, CINO of NARA

Innovation is one of the many buzz words floating around federal agencies. In a recent interview, Pamela Wright (CINO of NARA) shared the innovation goals of the National Archives and explained two projects that are looking to achieve those goals. I had the pleasure of speaking with the Chief Innovation Officer (CINO) of the NationalRead… Read more »