Posts Tagged: innovation

At the Forefront of Public Sector Innovation

Where does government innovation come from? In the United States there are examples like DARPA’s collaboration with universities and the private industry, and the CIA’s In-Q-Tel private sector partnership. In Denmark, there is MindLab, a private-public enterprise not existing within one department but expanding throughout multiple organizations which acts as something of an innovation special-op.Read… Read more »

How do you scale government innovation?

How do you scale government innovation? That’s the question Jay Nath, San Francisco’s Chief Innovation Officer wants to know. Nath sat down with Chris Dorobek on the Dorobek INSIDER program for a 30 minute in depth interview that covered the gamut of government innovation: apps challenges, budget constraints, culture changes and more. “If we aren’tRead… Read more »

White House Fellows Program Looks to Solve Gov’t Tech Problems with Private Sector Assistance

As part of the White House’s recently released digital government strategy, a new Presidential Innovation Fellows program has been created. The program brings in 15 innovators from outside government who provide expertise on projects, particularly those that are technology related. Tom Fox, vice president for leadership and innovation at the Partnership for Public Service satRead… Read more »

I Can’t Share Large Files – Why Poor IT is Killing Productivity

Shrinking budgets especially in the IT world are putting pressure on public organizations to do the same work (if not more work) on aging technology and infrastructure. The government is not the standard setter when it comes to advancing to the latest and greatest technology. The perfect example: I’m using a Pentium 4 single processorRead… Read more »

Stages of Innovation

Innovation is not “out there,” it’s a process. Looking at it historically, technologically, geographically, and developmentally can make innovation familiar and straightforward. Innovation in the United States in the 1700’s, was often British mechanics emigrating to make their fortune, building other people’s inventions they had learned in Britain. The work was often pirated tools forRead… Read more »

Job Losses and the Effect on Innovation

As the Canadian Public Service navigates through the recent job cuts as part of the 2012 budget, I’ve written about different skills that will help any public servant through cutbacks including survival tips for those who survive the job losses and a call to truly think if the public service is the right career forRead… Read more »

GovBytes: Free Wi-Fi, Comparing (Refurbished) Apples to Oranges

A California city, built on an orange industry which fell in the face of international competition, is regaining its footing through the growth of several technology and business programs made possible by citywide free wi-fi. Program Helps City Close Digital Divide The renaissance in Riverside can be attributed in large part to the SmartRiverside initiative,Read… Read more »