Posts Tagged: innovation

How do public servants “get in the system”?

Social Connect via: Disclaimer: The story told here is purely fictional and used to illustrate my opinion, it is not a relation of personal experience but rather an observation I have heard from other public servants. What do I mean when I ask, “how do public servants get in the system”? I’m sure we areRead… Read more »

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year: Our Favorite Social Media Moments from 2011

From our USDA Blog – The Most Wonderful Time of the Year: Our Favorite Social Media Moments from 2011. It’s been an exciting year for USDA Web Communications, stepping in to new territory and pushing the bounds of government social networking and outreach. Coming from a traditional press operation in an agency setting, I’m thrilledRead… Read more »

Unlocking Creative Potential – A Neuroscience Approach, Part I

In my last article I talked about performance from the view point of Performance Psychologists. This time we’ll take a look at what neuroscience has to tell us by understanding more about left brain-right brain science. I have asked Sandy Cormack, a personal and organizational consultant to guest blog on the subject. He uses aRead… Read more »

The first step to thinking outside the box, is stepping outside it

I don’t care how specialized your organization’s mandate is, there will always be more information and knowledge outside your organization than within it. So here’s a question, why are organizations spending money on the dividing line between the two? Why are organizations effectively cutting off employees from the resources they need to accomplish their missionRead… Read more »

Taking the “2.0” Out of Technology

This topic has been coming up a lot lately. I wrote about it a few weeks back: Social Tools Do Not a Process Make. A lot of people are overly focused on technology as a solution rather than a tool that can be used to re-enforce good policy, procedures, etc. (Read=Process) Fellow GovLoop-er, and communicationsRead… Read more »

What is Environmental Innovation Management Software?

Last week, we briefly outlined the basic categories of innovation management software. Today, we’re profiling environmental innovation management. The name is slightly misleading; although some companies, such as Toyota, use this term to invite their customers to submit specific ecological concerns relating to concepts such as land and water use, the term is also usedRead… Read more »

Archived Episode 1 of #Hi5Gov Featuring

Today I interviewed Karen Trebon, Deputy Program Manager and Tammi Marcoullier, Program Manager from on the inaugural episode of #Hi5Gov featuring and the amazing impacts is making for agencies and the public across America. Follow Tammi – @TammiM Follow Karen – @KarenTrebonGovt Follow Joseph – @JosephPorcelli Want to be a guest onRead… Read more »

Lessons from the EPA Apps for the Environment Forum: How Can We Build Innovation Through Partnerships?

This afternoon I attended the Apps for the Environment Forum, hosted by the EPA in Rosslyn. The forum honored the winners of the recent Apps for the Environment Challenge, hosted a variety of speakers from the EPA and executive office, and offered breakout sessions on how to use the Internet and open data space betterRead… Read more »

Why is Driving Innovation & Details on the Latest Livestreamed this Thursday, 11/10 at 12:30pm EST

INNOVATION AT ITS BEST: CHALLENGE.GOV: Government has made a ton of progress in innovation over the last few years. And many will find it hard to disagree that some of the most innovative citizen creations have been catalyzed and precipitated with the launch of What is it? is simply a place where theRead… Read more »