Posts Tagged: innovation

Joichi Ito (MIT Media Lab) & Rolf Heuer (CERN) on innovation, dot-connecting and other things

Yesterday I was made aware of a discussion between two brilliant men that was uploaded to YouTube Sunday at the Ars Electronica Festival. The first nine minutes provide a couple of perspectives on innovation, but more that, listen to Joi Ito’s reasons for accepting his new position as Director of the MIT Media Lab.

Startup Genome Compass – a new behchmarking tool for startup businesses

I’d like to share with you one of the best recent applications that also represents a good approach how to combine theoretical knowledge and practical background in one case. Here it is,Startup Genoma Compass that could become a very popular and efficient way to measure startup success and to define in what stage of developmentRead… Read more »

Understanding the Many Communities within Open Gov

Word on the street is that when life first appeared on the planet, it was single-cell. It took a little bit of time (i.e. millions and millions of years) for life to get its differentiation on. But soon, you could see it (or not, since people weren’t around yet): mitochondria, smooth ER and rough ER,Read… Read more »

What does Aneesh Chopra Think About Innovation?

Just read this great interview by Deloitte Review with US CTO Aneesh Chopra. Awesome insights into the importance of innovation! Below are a few of the key points from the interview. I hope you enjoy and learn as much as I did. Ecosystems for Innovation: An interview with U.S. CTO Aneesh Chopra Historically, larger companies,Read… Read more »

The Woz Effect: Innovation For Tomorrow, Today! (Are You In?)

I think everyone probably has at least heard bits and pieces of what Steve Wozniak’s Key Note at FOSE yesterday, however I think it’s very important we wipe away our awe for a moment and look long and hard at just what he said. To most technorati, or at very least technology proficient, folks inRead… Read more »

Civil Servants Cut through the Red Tape and Share Government Forward

‘Why not?!’ is the motto of Open Government Places. Open Government Places allows civil servants to cut through the red tape, join forces, and share government forward. This project is called Deelstoel in Dutch (‘share chair’) and invites civil servants to ‘hack’ the government and share their workplaces. Government offices are invited to reserve aRead… Read more »

What is Govloop to YOU?

With so many different types of social networks now present in today’s society and Google adding yet another one to the mix, I have often wondered if it is truly fair to reference Govloop as the, “Facebook for Government.” Sure, at the time, the reference was the most clear picture that could be provided toRead… Read more »