Posts Tagged: innovation

For HR Executives…what’s your Collaboration Strategy?

I have been talking to a lot of HR people over the last couple of months and, frankly, it has been surprising to see that most don’t realize the opportunities and risks associated with social media and crowdsourcing as it relates to their business vertical. Why is it crucial that Human Resource managers be deeplyRead… Read more »

SF CIO Heads to White House as Deputy CTO for Innovation

Chris Vein has pioneered open-source and open-data initiatives in the City by the Bay. Now he’s taking his vision for a more transparent and collaborative government to Washington. If you follow Gov 2.0 issues, you’ve heard of Chris Vein, San Francisco’s first-ever CIO, who has spent the last five years leading the charge to moveRead… Read more »

Promoting Innovation and Collaboration in Government with Google Apps

The Administrative Conference of the United States (ACUS) has implemented Google Apps for Government. ACUS is an independent federal agency dedicated to creating a public-private partnership designed to make government work better. ACUS has had a long history of saving the government and taxpayers money. In 2009, ACUS was revived by Congress after a 15-yearRead… Read more »

Health 2.0 Dev Challenge Wrap-Up

Last Saturday, the Health 2.0 Developer Challenge code-a-thon took place at Georgetown University. I should state up front that I didn’t go to code, participate in any particular project, or to specifically push data related to my work. My goals were to observe, learn about how government health data can and is being used byRead… Read more »

Blogging Series 10 Ways Open Innovation Can Transform Your Agency (Week 3)

Blogging Series 10 Ways Open Innovation Can Transform Your Agency (Week 3) Sorry for the brief delay in the blogging series. I’ve been managing the launch of an internal open innovation portal for New York City. More information on this project is available at: Now time for Week 3! Open innovation can transform yourRead… Read more »

Using Prizes as Innovation Engines

President Obama said he wanted to spur innovation, in his State of the Union address. Actually, this effort started in earnest last year through the use of prizes and contents as a complement to traditional research and development. As promised in an earlier blog post on this topic, the IBM Center now has a report,Read… Read more »

The Federal Agency’s Hierarchy of Needs: How “Higher-Level” Needs and Activities Can Help Secure “Lower-Level” Needs

The Phase One team has had another productive year helping the Forest Service streamline and automate their processes surrounding the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). We’ve helped our clients leverage data that is entered to comply with legal mandates into useful information for their public websites; we have given them tools to make their proceduresRead… Read more »

The Federal Coach: Spurring Innovation in Your Government Agency

As I listened to President Obama’s State of the Union address last week, my ears perked up on a number of fronts, not the least of which was his call for the government to spur American innovation through promising new federal investments in education, biomedical research, information technology and clean energy. Also causing me toRead… Read more »

LAUNCH: We know WHY. Do you?

Last week, we held our West Coast LAUNCHpad Salon with the LAUNCH team to talk lessons learned from two successful events, LAUNCH:Water and LAUNCH:Health; and start planning LAUNCH:Energy. The Cazneau Group, one of our implementation partners, hosted the Salon at their offices in Sausalito, California. Great conversation, great setting, great food. But best of all,Read… Read more »