Posts Tagged: innovation

Open Government is Not Dead: The Conversation is Just Maturing…

This installment of my featured jennovation series on Govloop and the Phase One Consulting Group (POCG) Transformation in the Federal Sector Blog, was inspired by the recent Open Government Community Summit held at NASA on October 13, 2010 and many recent blog postings discussing variations on the death, sophomore slump and/or decline of Gov 2.0Read… Read more »

It Starts at Home – Developing a Culture of Innovation Can Change Everything

I have been thinking and writing a considerable amount about innovation over the last several months. Much of this has been focused on how innovation improves the capacity of government to serve and be responsive to the public. The reality though is that fostering a culture of innovation within an organization is a much moreRead… Read more »

When NOT to Take the Lead: Partnering with Academia to Solve Our Nation’s Problems

It’s been over a month since my last posting on my featured jennovation series on Govloop and the Phase One Consulting Group (POCG) Transformation in the Federal Sector Blog, but for good reason. It’s been a busy Fall season on many fronts: POCG’s Growing Open Gov and Innovation Team: POCG has recently hired two rockRead… Read more »

Fantasy Policy League: How to Connect the Data with the Passion

It’s late Monday evening, so I’m focusing on what many government innovation professionals and millions of Americans alike are sweating over – Fantasy Football statistics and trash talking with colleagues on Twitter. Tonight Matt Miszewski was the pilgrim who walked into this unholy land, he being a Packers fan, and me needing the Bears’ JayRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0: Creating New Civic Activists

In presenting on social media for local government, I try to emphasize that it’s not about the tool, it’s about the innovation. It’s about engaging people who may not naturally visit your web site or your city hall, but still care deeply about their government and their community. It’s about meeting people where they areRead… Read more »

Is the Networked World Killing your Contracts & Procurement: What About Innovation?

Excerpt from Tim Cummin’s Blog Impacts Of The Networked World On Contracts & Procurement The impacts of the networked world have been significant for most of the world’s population, but perhaps more so for those in the world of contracts and procurement than many others. · Emerging generations are ‘no longer capable of deep thought’Read… Read more »

Podcast: Crowdsourcing in Gov’t and the Enterprise, with Matt Greeley of BrightIdea

Listen to internet radio with Gov20Radio on Blog Talk Radio A conversation with Matt Greeley: BrightIdea has powered innovation campaign for the government of Ireland, City of San Francisco, and has a new contract with the U.S. State Department. It’s also the platform behind the $200 million GE “Ecomagination Challenge. We talk with company co-founderRead… Read more »

Digital helps Government reduce costs… really?

I find myself thinking about Government’s desire to reduce costs by ‘going digital.’ It’s as though the very notion of something being online instantly results in reduced effort and cost and provides a useful and usable service to Citizens. In recent years, Government has seen digital as a means of reducing ‘avoidable contact’ – thatRead… Read more »

Failure really is a good thing

There is a really good conversation that was started the other day by Stefan Lindegaard, an open innovation leader who I follow and get strong value from. It was about failure and the value of failure with a focus on both engaging interested parties in a dialogue and coming up coining a phrase (failsourcing, amongRead… Read more »

Suburban Sprawl and Sustainable Communities: Enhancing Mission and Public Value through Open Government and Partnerships

For the last year, I’ve been blogging about the three pillars of the Open Government Initiative—transparency, participation and collaboration—both on my featured series on Govloop and Phase One Consulting Group’s Transformation in the Federal Sector Blog. Each pillar points at the same theme: the Government cannot provide the best value with taxpayer dollars on itsRead… Read more »