Posts Tagged: innovation

“One hit wonder” or sustainable success?

The point of this post: When looking at “success stories” in the adoption of new technologies, we have to think carefully about how repeatable they are. “One of the most challenging things to figure out in the government space is which technology trends are fads versus real long-term trends,” said Green in an interview withRead… Read more »

Search for LAUNCH:Health Innovators

We’ve been super busy planning our next LAUNCH sustainability forum. The topic for our second forum is “sustaining human life.” LAUNCH is our incubator program that searches for visionaries, whose world-class ideas, technologies or programs show great promise for making tangible impacts on society. At each LAUNCH forum, ten innovators and 40 thought leaders comeRead… Read more »

Innovation is like Poker: A Day to Learn and a Lifetime to Master

This was originally posted on It struck me last week that innovating in the public sector is a lot like playing Poker. Good players will tell you that it’s not sheer luck, but rather a combination of skill, strategy and tactics. In this spirit, I’ve taken the liberty of recasting 10 of the mostRead… Read more »

GovLoop on HuffPo: “3 Signs That Government Is More Innovative Than Ever”

A few weeks ago, Mr. GovLoop started blogging for the Huffington Post. We’re pretty jazzed about it and our main goal is to highlight and honor your awesomeness through this increased visibility. For instance, our newest post is titled: “3 Signs That Government is More Innovative Than Ever” Basically, we talk about our new “GovLaunch”Read… Read more »

Congress Simplifying a Process? Making Prizes more attractive to the Federal Government…

Prizes and competitions provide one way to stimulate innovation and tap “solver communities” that may not have been leveraged previously when considering some of our nation’s grand challenges (see my blog posting from the White House/ Case Foundation event on prizes and competitions in April where I discuss this assertion in more detail). Building onRead… Read more »

DIVERSITY Drives CREATIVITY and INNOVATION: History proves it!

Every once in a while, something or someone pops up on our path to affirm that we are headed in the right direction, by pointing us to WISDOM that affirms what we all need to know, documented long ago — perhaps in a different way. When we least expect it, a supporting “proof point” showsRead… Read more »

Mind the Gap: How Innovative Partnerships Can Help Fill the Funding Gap

In my introductory posting in the “jennovation” series for Govloop and Phase One Consulting Group’s Transformation in the Federal Sector Blog, I introduced you to an innovative platform known as the Department of Education’s Innovation Portal. This week I want to describe a little more about how that portal, in combination with and theRead… Read more »

Innovation 2.0 – Seth Godin

Yesterday I had the opportunity to hear Seth Godin speak. Here are some tips from him on how to be a Linchpin (this is all paraphrased): On people: -Go beyond the manual. FAIL, FAIL, and FAIL again (failure was a common theme discussed throughout the morning). -You cannot succeed by doing just what you areRead… Read more »

Privacy, Profit, and Innovation

Give us your cookies, your browser history, your torrid search queries, yearning to breathe free. (Sorry, Emma.) That’s the deepest desire of online marketers, and it is thanks to them that we have so much content and so many applications available to us free, online, every day. Our data is valuable, but not in itselfRead… Read more »