Posts Tagged: innovation

Innovative Partnerships: There’s More than One Way to Build a Road

In the last posting for my featured Govloop series and Phase One Consulting Group’s “Transformation in the Federal Sector” blog, otherwise known as “jennovation”, I highlighted the major motivations for public-private partnerships. In the discussion resulting from that posting, it was clear that there was some confusion about what forms public-private partnerships can take. AreRead… Read more »

Jennovation 1.1: Don’t Go it Alone: Why Public-Private Partnerships Make Sense

Welcome to the second posting of my featured Govloop blog series—Jennovation—coming to you every other Monday. This series contains my musings on innovation, Open Government (Open Gov) and Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs). Let me start by saying, I was rather surprised by the comments on my first posting. While Gov 2.0, Open Gov and innovation haveRead… Read more »

Disincentives to collaborate? The Government of Canada Employee Innovation Program

Last week the Government of Canada announced a new program intended to promote innovation in the workplace. Generally speaking, any effort to drive innovation should be applauded- however, the role of incentives in promoting innovation and motivating individuals to participate is an elaborate issue. Strategies and tactics should be approached with caution, with creativity, andRead… Read more »

What’s Your Collaboration Superpower?

Collaboration is vital in government, espeically if we want to effectively connect with our communities and increase engagement. Organizationally, there can be many barriers to collaboration, from an over-emphasis on program rather than population outcomes to a lack of developed relationships with our colleagues and stakeholders. To do our best work, we need to developRead… Read more »

Jennovation 1.0: Leveraging Innovation, Open Government, and Public-Private Partnerships to Create Public Value

Welcome to the first posting of the Jennovation blog series! As a featured blogger on Govloop, I will be posting every other Monday, beginning June 14, 2010, about my musings on innovation, Open Government (Open Gov) and Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs). But how to these three—seemingly loosely connected subject areas—relate enough to justify being lumped together?Read… Read more »

Empowering Change: Fostering Innovation in the Australian Public Service

The Australian Public Service (APS) Management Advisory Committee (MAC) last year commissioned a report on public sector innovation and what could be done to encourage innovation in the APS. That report, Empowering Change: Fostering Innovation in the Australian Public Service, has now been released. The report looks at the innovation ‘state of play’ in AustraliaRead… Read more »

Get Your Head Out of That Gantt Chart and Do Some Thinking Once in a While

This post originally appeared on my external blog, “Social Media Strategery.” I know we’re all busy. We have deadlines to meet, emails to write/respond to, projects to work on, management issues to take care of, errands to run, families to care for, and many many other things that we do on a daily basis. ToRead… Read more »

Lessons for Driving the President’s Innovation Agenda through Prizes and Competitions

On April 30, 2010, over 200 public and private sector participants convened at the Department of Housing and Urban Development to think big about how the Government can learn from the emerging trend to use prizes and competitions to solve some of the grand challenges of our time. This event, led by Robynn Sturm fromRead… Read more »

Man is a Social Animal. Why not the Government then? [Government 2.0]

Numerous blogs out there sport #Gov20 or #OpenData buzzword these days igniting interesting conversations around what they believe Government 2.0 platform is probably gonna be like tomorrow. Some assume it to be a Facebook clone, some say it should be Twitter et al and some go even as far as challenging the norms of opennessRead… Read more »