Posts Tagged: innovation

Man is a Social Animal. Why not the Government then? [Government 2.0]

Numerous blogs out there sport #Gov20 or #OpenData buzzword these days igniting interesting conversations around what they believe Government 2.0 platform is probably gonna be like tomorrow. Some assume it to be a Facebook clone, some say it should be Twitter et al and some go even as far as challenging the norms of opennessRead… Read more »


Gov 2.0, social media, social innovation, citizen engagement. All demand creativity and perseverance. We all have our creative slumps. I try and get over mine by going for a walk up Mount Rogers (Canberra). Due for one this weekend. What do you do to recover the creative spark? Steve OZloop

Crowdsourcing: gathering information to support forest fire fighting

Elena Rapisardi, a new friend who contracts with, and does innovative volunteer work for, various parts of the Italian government, has reported out on an interesting meeting here. I bring this up because we don’t always notice when new ground is being broken and new fuel is being provided for our own further development andRead… Read more »

Biggest Reasons Public Servants don’t Crowdsource

One of the things that we do that we believe is a best practice in our engagements is ask our partners to do two surveys at the conclusion of a campaign; one about us and one about them. It is always interesting to see the results and, certainly, helps everyone to improve what may beRead… Read more »

Let’s Move! To Build Apps for Healthy Kids!

A big THANK YOU to the awesome GovLoop guys for highlighting our Apps for Healthy Kids competition as the project of the week. It was a great effort to create the competition with the First Lady’s Let’s Move! team, OSTP and our nutrition experts at USDA’s Center for Nutrition and Policy Promotion. The competition isRead… Read more »

Giving Employees Incentives for Innovation

Calls for more government efficiency come not just from the public, but also from the public servants who make government’s day-to-day operations possible. Some of the best ideas come from the people who intimately know the processes that could be improved. However, implementing those ideas often requires jumping several, tall hurdles. In an unfortunate caseRead… Read more »

Rewarding Innovation In Government

Yesterday I read an article ( by Doug Beizer that profiled the White House’s new policy on carrying out contests to spur innovation. I think it’s grand that the White House recognizes the power of using gaming and rewards mechanisms within an innovation setting; however, it challenges agencies to develop this with little direction asRead… Read more »