Posts Tagged: innovation

The February Open Government Directive Workshop

This article is co-authored by Lucas Cioffi and Alex Moll, co-organizers of the February Open Government Directive Workshop in partnership with the US General Services Administration, the National Academy of Public Administration, NCDD, and GovLoop. Summary and Purpose of the OGD Workshop The February 17th OGD Workshop in Washington, DC was a blast. We convenedRead… Read more »

Is this heresy?

Do we need a non manifesto for innovation and, for that matter Gov 2.0 and social media itself? The innovation manifesto suggests that we do. What do you think of the formula Talk + Action = Zero. Explains a lot I suggest. The Innovation Non Manifesto Steve DOriginally posted on OZloop

Being innovative about innovation

From the Innovation Leadership Network an illuminating piece that highlights why we need to be innovative about innovation itself. I believe this applies to the public sector BIG TIME. What do you think? Steve D Originally posted on OZloop

Acquisition 2.0 Starts With FAR 2.0

Originally posted on BetterBlog, this official blog of the Better Buy Project. Let me first apologize to Andy Krzmarzick, as I have been promising a post on performance-based contracting and how it relates to the Better Buy Project and the Acquisition 2.0 initiative. I actually started that post, but put in on hold a bitRead… Read more »

Fighting Internet-based Capabilities: Irresponsible and Ineffective

It’s the latest buzz, the Department of Defense (DoD) announcement that it had finally issued policy on Internet Based Capabilities early afternoon on February 26, 2010. I’m excited to see it finally arrive, but in some sense it’s a surprise left cold and waiting like a ragged banana peel discarded last fall and finally uncoveredRead… Read more »

Open Source and Molar Man

I just attended the Southern California Linux Expo (SCALE 8) and saw an eye-popping presentation on an Open Source dental practice management application that was written by a dentist in Inverness, Scotland as a response to ill treatment he’d received at the hands of a proprietary software vendor. Apparently he’d attended a previous conference inRead… Read more »

The Google “Buzz” Kill

If you haven’t already heard (and if you haven’t I assume you live under a rock) Google is going to compete with the likes of Facebook and Twitter with the soon to be released “Google Buzz”. Since Google has yet to activate “Buzz” within my Gmail account, I will save my opinions as it relatesRead… Read more »

California Space Race

A vocal and well-prepared team of aerospace professionals and backers in California is gaining momentum in its quest to enhance the region’s aerospace prowess. Influential members from myriad economic development, utility, education, government, military, and defense contractor groups have pooled their talent, assets, know-how, and hefty political backing to form the California Space Authority (CSA)Read… Read more »