Hindsight is 2020: A Year in Review and Moving Forward With WAEPA
As the workforce continues to experience changes, both gradual and drastic, organizations providing services to them may have to adapt as well.
As the workforce continues to experience changes, both gradual and drastic, organizations providing services to them may have to adapt as well.
Although Open Season is over for federal employees, it’s a great time to evaluate your life insurance coverage. Here’s what you need to know.
It was only until I joined the private sector that I heard about WAEPA, a nonprofit that’s been exclusively serving civilian federal employees with group term life insurance for more than 75 years.
Open enrollment is just around the corner (have you prepared yet? If not, check out my suggestions here on getting ready). And like they do every year, premiums will be going up. But, there is some good news!
For starters, if you need long term care, consider what it will cost. Here are a couple of good resources to help you forecast LTC expenses.
Should you get more FEGLI coverage? Not so fast!
According to recent study, most people spend only 30 minutes considering whether to choose a new plan or re-enroll in their previous plan during open enrollment. It’s in your best interest to spend as much time as necessary to make this decision, as it can greatly impact how much you’ll spend in the coming year… Read more »
Some things to consider before choosing your plan.
I’ve received many emails over the years from annuitants, spouses of deceased annuitants, and estate executors that weren’t aware of the annuitant’s coverage and/or beneficiaries. A number of annuitants forget what coverage they elected (if any) or who they designated as beneficiary. There are a number of things that you, your spouse, and estate executorRead… Read more »
It is indeed a rare ocassion in Washington when the three branches of our Federal Government can put aside major ideological differences to act in unison for the greater good of the nation. This historic display of leadership has occurred with the enactment of landmark legislation — the Affordable Care Act — providing access toRead… Read more »