Posts Tagged: internet

New IDC report that Internet of Things has reached “tipping point” for government applications!

Hi! I just blogged a new report from IDC, The Coming of Age of the Internet of Things in Government. The report concludes that: “The Internet of Things is reaching a tipping point that will make it a sustainable paradigm for practical applications. The public sector’s use of the IoT is still limited but emergingRead… Read more »

Could This Be the End of ‘One World, One Internet’?

Next Friday, December 21st, is a big day for the internet. It is the culminating day of the World Conference on International Telecommunications in Dubai, the only conference of its kind in 24 years. On the agenda is a of review the international telecommunication regulations. Since the previous meeting in 1988, much has changed onRead… Read more »

A Modern Legacy

This is the most blatant example I’ve seen about how a traditional business can adapt the internet revolution to increase value. I sat down with a high school buddy, who for the last 40 years has run a specialty instrument company. These instruments, which are globally famous, are used by labs, hospitals, and research facilitiesRead… Read more »

Celebrating National Cyber Security Awareness Month!

Cyber security is a hot topic among the private and public sector, especially as the consumerization of IT continues to grow as a trend and business tool. And although the Cybersecurity Act of 2012 failed to become a law, the need for strong cyber security measures, particularly within the federal government, has not diminished. IfRead… Read more »

I’ve Got the Whole World in My Hands: Mobile Internet Access, 24/7

Today, more and more people are gaining instant access to the internet on their cell phones. While this has some arguably negative effects on our culture, it does provide a lot of positives in regards to staying informed and maintaining easy communication. Staying Informed It’s pretty fun to browse the web from the convenience ofRead… Read more »

Astounding that US government is blissfully unaware of Internet of Things & its impact!

The Internet of Things — linking devices ranging from smartphones to cars’ computers to industrial sensors via the same Internet that we use — has been a technical reality since 2008 (more “things” than people are now connected), and by 2015 IBM predicts 1 TRILLION things will be linked. Yet it is impossible to findRead… Read more »

How an “Open Project” Approach Can Change the World

How do you tackle a large-scale, complex challenge that evolves over time, involves thousands of stakeholders, and where there is no clear solution? For example, is there a road map for how the Internet evolved? Could we do it again? IBM Center author David Witzel examines the evolution of the Internet over the past fourRead… Read more »

Trust and the Internet

Perhaps brings to the table Mr. Reagan’s quote “Trust but Verify” or the rather old saying “numbers never lie but liars use numbers“ From the Atlantic: How the Professor Who Fooled Wikipedia Got Caught by Reddit T. Mills Kelly encourages his students to deceive thousands of people on the Web. This has angered many, butRead… Read more »

Protect Yourself Online – Just Common Sense

There is a lot of hysteria about online privacy. It’s easy to understand when there’s an ad scrolling across the top of your screen referencing the words you just typed into the email you’re composing. Creepy. I mean, if they’re watching what you type, what else are they doing with your private information? I guessRead… Read more »

GovBytes: State governments begin focusing on website analytics

State governments are beginning to focus on website analytics, something we here at GovLoop are very familiar with. They are taking advantage of Google Analytics, a free tool which assesses hits and traffic, to determine how people are utilizing their websites. States like California are even publishing these statistics right on their homepages for peopleRead… Read more »