Posts Tagged: internet

What’s the Most Inopportune Time Your Internet Didn’t Work?

Face it, it has happen to us all…some internet connections are spotty and they doesn’t always work when we absolutely need them to! Tell us a story about when your internet connection went out and you REALLY needed it to work; What were you doing? What were the pressures? How did it make you feel?Read… Read more »

London Conference on Cyberspace

On 1-2 November, the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office will be hosting the London Conference on Cyberspace ( The conference will cover a number of different themes including social benefits of the web, economic growth and development, safe and reliable access online, cyber crime and international security. It will be an opportunity for citizens toRead… Read more »

Interesting articles

Hey, I always like when blogs post links to interesting articles and comment on them. So, if it’s ok with yall, I’d like to do that here from time to time. Government apps: Learning from industry Government agencies have had mixed success in the mobile app arena. We asked three private sector app developersRead… Read more »

The challenge for government: Why it’s important to know how people learn about their community

Information is power. Actually, there is no power in information but in who creates it and controls it. That’s the power of information –how it’s used. Did you know that local TV news is still the most popular source for local information in America? However, adults rely on it primarily for just three subjects: weather,Read… Read more »

Start a Government Small Business Internet Marketing Support Initiative.

If the demand is there, small business will gladly find a way to deal with increased taxes and regulations, and demand is the only way to increase our hiring. That said, I have a very inexpensive way Government can help Small Business demand nationwide for pennies on the dollar. Start a Government Small Business InternetRead… Read more »

Video – “The Internet is My Religion”

Sounds a little crazy to call the internet your religion, right? If someone asked me my religion, I’d have to grudgingly say Catholic. Regardless of what you believe in, this is a pretty inspiring story about how the internet literally saved Jim Gilliam’s life. FromTechPresident’s recent Personal Democracy Forum annual event (heard it was awesome!)Read… Read more »

Google extends fiber project to Kansas City, Missouri

In March, Google announced that it had chosen Kansas City, Kansas to be its first high speed fiber community. Now, thanks to successful lobbying efforts by the community an additional agreement with Kansas City Power & Light and Great Plains Energy, the companies will install fiber-optic lines along existing electrical infrastructure thereby extending the networkRead… Read more »

Stop the Meter – A Campaign against internet metering @

Dear Internet Supporters, Last week the CRTC made a decision that, while disappointing, was nevertheless a small a step in the right direction. It rolled back 15% of the usage fee profits big telecom wanted to extract from indie ISPs. This is a big deal, and it shows that we’re turning the tides on thisRead… Read more »