Posts Tagged: Interviews

Do You Know What Makes a Good Question?

Questions are not inherently neutral. They carry context, tone (if spoken), assumptions, and bias. If you’re working with customer (CX) or employee (EX) experience, asking questions is a necessary part of gathering feedback. Let’s discuss a couple of the ways that questions make assumptions and how to avoid them when collecting feedback.

12 of Jon Stewart’s Greatest Government Interviews on The Daily Show

Lauded as the “last honest newsman” by some and decried as a tool of the Obama administration by others, whether you like him or not, Jon Stewart has long been one of the country’s most influential political comedians. Over the last 16 years, Jon Stewart has welcomed many government agency big shots into the interview hot seat on The Daily Show. ThoughRead… Read more »

How To Win At Job Interviews: A Cheat Sheet

Note: I did not write this, only edited a shared email down for brevity and flow. The credit goes to Nikki J. Thomas, my daughter’s mentor. What they want: capable, hardworking, team player Do this: Prepare answers to questions like: Why choose you, tell us about you, what are your strengths/weaknesses, why you want the job, whatRead… Read more »

Why You Should Be Scheduling Informational Interviews

Whether you’re deep in the job hunt or just curious about new possibilities, an informational interview can be a fantastic way to get your foot in the door at a new company, build contacts, and score new opportunities. What’s an informational interview? An informational interview is essentially a face-to-face conversation that lets you get informationRead… Read more »