Avoid Being the Invisible Introvert
Although you may be working from home and enjoying it, keep in mind that it’s important to be noticed to be successful.
Although you may be working from home and enjoying it, keep in mind that it’s important to be noticed to be successful.
An “introverted leader” sounds almost like an oxymoron. Here are a few reasons why introverts, contrary to popular belief, make great leaders.
Being in a social setting can be challenging for introverted people, but here are some ways to get through your next office party.
If you know the Meyers Briggs personality test, you may know all four of your temperament indicators. But how does the (S) vs. (N) breakdown affect you?
Are you an introvert? Here are some resolutions that may help expand your network.
Through my own experience and study of psychology I regard each major personality type by how the individual recharges their battery. The extroverted charge up by being around people and activity and the more introverted prefer solitude and quiet
Introverts have a power all their own when it comes to work. See why, despite popular misconceptions, being an office introvert can be a positive thing.
It’s no secret that extroverts hold the majority of leadership roles in the professional world. When you call to mind a high level executive, you probably picture someone with an outgoing personality and commanding presence, instead of a quiet, reflective individual. A USA Today study even found that 65 percent of senior level managers believeRead… Read more »
My name is Lauree, and I’m an introvert. If you are one too, it can feel like an apology, as if we have to be different in order to be effective. It’s not true. Even at work, even with your boss, and even if you’re asked to speak in front of a group and youRead… Read more »
We see them every day. The child at school recess playing by themselves or in a small group away from other kids. The day dreaming teenager who gazes out the window during a class lecture. The shy college coed wrapped up in a good book in the corner cubicle of the library on a FridayRead… Read more »