Why Stopping What We’ve Started Is So Hard
Stopping requires upfront time and effort, which we know is difficult—the inability to find time and apply effort is why we’re having the conversation in the first place.
Stopping requires upfront time and effort, which we know is difficult—the inability to find time and apply effort is why we’re having the conversation in the first place.
While I am convinced that there are more people with good intentions than bad, here are four strategies to keep in mind when you’re feeling emotionally taxed at work
In the financial markets, binary options are becoming a more and more popular form of trading. With binary options, trading can be done with a wide variety of financial assets across different kinds of markets and offer a much greater return within a shorter span of time. In this article, we shall be discussing howRead… Read more »
Since entering the public sector 10 months ago, I’ve been exposed to a wide swath of education materials used for training employees and getting the word out about new programs and services. I’ve been impressed with the creative ways videos have been used for ads and informational videos, but there is a severe lack ofRead… Read more »
Market Connections and AOL Government just released a report that shows how federal managers see a significant potential for mobile technologies to improve productivity and saving taxpayer dollars. However, respondents to the study expressed concerns that current investments are inadequate to achieve much of that potential. The findings were based on an extensive survey commissionedRead… Read more »
With the passage of the Jobs Act, small investments have become legal, allowing for a new wave of innovation in the sphere of company financing. Michael Norman, co-founder of WeFunder, spoke with Chris Dorobek about his new platform allowing for crowdsourcing investment in Gov 2.0. Smaller investments have the potential to reinvigorate Gov 2.0, asRead… Read more »
On the whole, UK councils are doing a nice job of using social media – possibly we caught on early because we’re used to making the most of tools that don’t cost much. ‘Fair play ‘ as we say here in Wales, we’re doing getting better at engaging. But there’s loads of room to improve.Read… Read more »
RIM, the maker of the Blackberry, continues to flounder, and many organizations are rightfully moving their mobility solutions to the ever more capable iPhone and Android platforms. Changing the device has the potential to bring the latest technology to the organization, but the risk is that the device is viewed as a “toy” to handRead… Read more »
I heard a statement the other day that struck home – no one in today’s economy has ‘just one job’ for income – everyone seems to have a side job, residual or investment income, multiple sources of income, because ‘just one job’ doesn’t provide enough to live on (especially for large families). What do youRead… Read more »
This is the second of a two-part post about Software as a Service (SaaS) for performance management. In the first part I provided an introduction to SaaS, defined what it is and touched on some of its applications to performance management. In this second part I’ll detail the various benefits of SaaS including but notRead… Read more »