Posts Tagged: IRS

Recruitment 411: Real Life Recruiting in a Virtual World

Today’s guest blogger is Frank Stipe; Frank manages the IRS Recruitment Office’s virtual recruitment program. We invite you to reach out to Frank in Second Life, where he’s known as RobinRasperry Sorbet. In today’s world, word-of-mouth is still the most powerful and trusted communications channel. In Second Life, IRS takes word-of-mouth marketing to the nextRead… Read more »

TIGTA CIO Navigates Slow and Steady on New Technology

George Jakabcin, CIO of the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA), takes a conservative approach to new technology. Not surprising considering his cybersecurity background and the risk-averse agency he works in. FedInsider talked to Jakabcin about his role at TIGTA and within the IRS, and about his thoughts on virtualization, cloud computing, and otherRead… Read more »

Delay of Bad-News 3% Rule Provides Time to Kill It

The 3% rule, developed by the IRS, requires federal, state and local governments to withhold 3% of payments they make to contractors for taxes, much like employers withhold a percentage of employees’ income for tax purposes. Last week the IRS delayed the rule going into effect, which means there might be time to kill it.Read… Read more »

Recruitment 411: Video Builds the Internet Star

Last week I attended the Government Video Solutions Forum. There were panel discussions about everything from content creation to the use of video for intelligence analysis. While it was all informative, one statement really stood out as the simplest, yet most profound one made all day: If you want your outreach to be successful –Read… Read more »

Recruitment 411: To Telework or Not to Telework

The other day some co-workers and I were discussing how many members of our staff telework – or as the IRS calls it, “flexiplace.” While teleworking certainly has its benefits, it can also have drawbacks, including fewer opportunities for networking. It didn’t surprise me that nearly every member of our staff works some variation ofRead… Read more »

The Mobile Genie is Out of the Bottle!

I just got back from another wonderful AFFIRM Luncheon for a great discussion about the changing landscape for mobility in the government workforce. The event began with insightful opening remarks from Wyatt Kash, Editorial Director for AOL Government. Kash addressed the changes that smart devices have brought to the way we connect and work andRead… Read more »

Recruitment 411: Marketing is Alive and Well on Facebook

A co-worker recently sent me a Fortune magazine article, Facebook: Where marketing efforts go to die? Knowing Facebook is an essential element of our recruitment marketing, I was immediately curious. As I started reading, I realized the article was talking more about product marketing than marketing a brand like we do at the IRS. WithRead… Read more »

Recruitment 411: Don’t talk about it, tweet about it.

Thanks to Twitter, it’s as easy to keep up with your favorite celebrity as it is to stay in touch with your best friend. An estimated 200 million users send more than 65 million tweets every day. These days, if you want people to talk about it, you should tweet about it. Our Twitter approachRead… Read more »