Posts Tagged: IT Modernization

As Agencies Journey to Net Zero, a New Type of CTO Is Needed 

The journey toward net-zero sustainability requires not only technical expertise to address the significant energy and resource requirements of high-tech solutions, but also collaboration and long-term commitment. And it calls for a new kind of chief technology officer.

NJ Makes Applying for Unemployment Benefits Easier

In New Jersey, officials are finding ways to make the unemployment benefits system clearer, more seamless and more compassionate. It’s the result of thoughtful, agile, evidence-based modernization.

Driving Innovation and Compliance: Why AI-Powered Automation Is Crucial for Federal Data Management Strategies

Data management has become a critical aspect of operations across the federal government in the digital age. The sheer volume of data generated daily requires efficient and effective management tools. Enter artificial intelligence (AI)-powered automation, a catalyst for enhanced data management and governance in government.

Federal Hybrid Work Environments Require a New Approach for Secure Collaboration

While the movement for the federal workforce to return to office continues, agencies must have a collaboration infrastructure that is flexible, scalable, interoperating, resilient and secure to ensure strategic mission readiness.