Posts Tagged: IT

Jumpstarting Your Community With IT

  State and local governments face a challenge when deploying new IT solutions. CIOs must build the right digital services that their constituents demand, and also must design IT systems and architectures that actually support the new services – all in an environment of tight budgets and staff reductions. Faced with these internal and externalRead… Read more »

How to Start Your New IT Journey

Government needs a way to think holistically about IT, not letting solutions fall into separate silos Technology has connected government to citizens in meaningful ways. With an ability to reach people through a variety of social channels and aggregate more information than ever before, agencies are using data as a means to identify new waysRead… Read more »

Alan Balutis Talks Potential New Legislation

Everyone is talking about IT reform – but does anyone know how to implement it? Doesn’t seem like it. It’s like your friend who just learned a new word but constantly keeps using it incorrectly. Legislators just learned about IT procurement, but don’t have the knowledge to apply it well. Many CIOs, however, have ideasRead… Read more »

The Anatomy of a “Sniper” Hack

In war, there is quite a difference between the crude methods of indiscriminate destruction of weapons of mass destruction and a well trained sniper on a well-funded, precisely planned mission. WMDs leave mess everywhere, make it clear to everyone something big happened and are more about fear than accomplishing specific goals. In cyber war, theRead… Read more »

3 Strategies to Reform Federal IT – and Save Your Tax Dollars!

Moderator Trey Hodgkins (far left) and panelists from left to right: Richard Beutel, Kevin Cummins, Aaron Wasserman and Angela Styles. “Taxpayers deserve a government that harnesses technology to better serve the people.” I would be surprised if anyone disagreed with this profound statement from former Missouri governor Matt Blunt. Citizens expect their government to spendRead… Read more »

Making IT Investments That Last

Implementing new government IT projects is often a long and arduous process for government. Budget and staff cuts, advancing technologies, outdated procurement processes and more can leave officials feeling unequipped to make their next big IT move. So in this environment, how can government chief information officers (CIOs) strategize to invest in the right ITRead… Read more »

Duplication, Delays, and other Issues Hinder DOD’s Multi-Billion-Dollar IT Investments

As you might expect, the information technology (IT) that supports one of the largest and most complex organizations in the world can be very expensive. In its fiscal year 2015 budget, the Department of Defense (DOD) requested more than $30 billion to operate, maintain, and modernize its IT systems. To put it in perspective, $30Read… Read more »

Bench-Marking in Local Government IT is Vital. Here’s Why

He who exercises government by means of his virtue may be compared to the north polar star, which keeps its place and all the stars turn towards it. Confucius (551 BC – 479 BC) The budget season of 2010 for local government was particularly brutal. Many localities were taking deep cuts and scaling back. DepartmentsRead… Read more »

Lessons Learned – Tips For A Successful Technology Implementation

It’s not new to say that technology is having a significant impact on modern life. As technology becomes smaller, cheaper, and faster, staying up-to-date can be challenging. This is especially true for public sector organizations where procurement hasn’t caught up to new ways of using or implementing technology. As government works through modernization, implementing large-scaleRead… Read more »