Posts Tagged: IT

The Weakest Link & What To Do About Them

A chain is no stronger than its weakest link, and life is after all a chain. William James To information security professionals, having a strong chain of policy, practice and architecture is indeed, life. The human factor is always the weakest link in any information security program. Why is that? People are our greatest asset!Read… Read more »

More than 90% of Gov IT Projects Fail – Eeek!

We don’t have to tell you about the challenges facing public sector IT – and was just one of the more visible procurement hurdles. The Public Spend Forum has published a study, “Billions in the Balance: Removing Barriers to Competition and Driving Innovation in Public Sector IT Markets,” – and the survey found thatRead… Read more »

Infographic: 5 Top Tools for Government Tech

Over the past few years, cloud computing has become an increasingly popular technology for businesses around the world because of its ease of access from remote locations – removing the need for locally installed software. Cloud computing and SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) tools can be great solutions for local and state-level governments with limited resources, since mostRead… Read more »

5 Reasons to Attend Our Cybersecurity Event

Target. LivingSocial. The Federal Reserve. In today’s environment, every organization is at risk of having its data and infrastructure compromised. For security professionals today, being secure isn’t just about thwarting attacks – it’s also being prepared to react once you fall victim to a cyberattack. That’s why we’re hosting an upcoming in-person event on cybersecurityRead… Read more »

How’s Your Work-Life Balance in Today’s Digital/Mobile World?

Today’s increasing reliance on new and evolving information technology in employment has given new meaning to the term work-life balance. That’s because the 21st century proliferation of digital/mobile IT tools to do our jobs is radically transforming how and when we work in fundamental ways. The question now is whether the transition to the virtualRead… Read more »

Good Communication between Operations and IT is Vital to Growth

There are reasons that the co-operation between your Operations function and your IT function are difficult. The conflicting agendas and miss-matched expectations that these two areas naturally have can be difficult to overcome. However, like many relationships, solving the communications breakdown and developing a good two-way dialog between them is a key to your organization’sRead… Read more »

4 Essentials for Your Government Portal

Government agencies are quickly transforming to increase efficiencies and productivity as they adopt emerging technologies. With the emergence of web portals, increased consumer adoption of mobile devices, and higher demand for online services, government institutions are tasked to use technology to meet the demands of citizens in new, innovative ways. To meet citizen demands andRead… Read more »